Women Problems
The woman is different from the man as regards sex and temperament. Moreover, Nature has given her the additional responsibility of becoming a mother. She has to pay special attention not only to maintain good health but also to remain calm and in a happy mood.
Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands Acupressure And Natural Therapies
- She also needs more education on childcare and household duties. She will be capable of handling all these responsibilities properly if she is healthy. It would greatly benefit women to learn about Acupressure.
- Regular Acupressure treatment will help them to prevent nervous tension and breakdown, hysteria, tepidness, frigidity, etc. It is advisable for them to take the treatment shown for nervous tension and on. all the endocrine glands from an early age of 6-7 years onwards.
- This will also save them from the problems of menses and ensure the healthy growth of their body and mind.
1. Problems of Menses:
In problems of menstruation, namely early, irregular or painful menstruation, scanty or excessive bleeding or backache, before, during, or after menses, etc. treatment of all points of endocrine glands will show amazing results.
- Such treatment can be taken by massaging these points on the two sides of the wrists. If this treatment is continued, menstruation will be regular within 2 to 3 months and all problems connected with it will be solved.
- Dr. ‘K’ reports that Miss ‘T’ had the problem of scanty and painful menstruation while Mrs. ‘Y’ had excessive bleeding. In both cases treatment was given on the patients were cured effectively.
- There were no complaints afterward. A number of similar cases have been treated successfully by Acupressure therapy.
2. Profuse Bleeding:
In case of excessive bleeding, rubber bands may be applied on the base of both big toes for 3/5 minutes and this may be repeated after 15/20 minutes, if necessary.
3. Leucorrhoea:
- For leucorrhoea also, treatment will be useful. It is also advisable to drink gold or silver or copper charged water 1 glass reduced from 2 glasses.
- Moreover, take the treatment of Anemia as mentioned below. Also, sit on a ball for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day. Mrs. ‘Y’ was suffering from leucorrhoea for the past seven years and had tried many medicines without success.
- Only after 3 sittings of Acupressure treatment, 70% of her complaints had gone and within 20 days of this treatment, she was free from the dreaded disease.
4. Menopause:
- For ladies over 40 years, this problem can start especially in the case of those who are less active and rather more sentimental and care more for the family.
- With regular treatment on all points especially all endocrine glands and treatment for nervous tension, this problem can be solved easily. Even the period of menses will be prolonged.
- There will be more interest and joy in married life and the diseases connected with this period will be easily overcome. After the age of 40, all the ladies should make this treatment their daily routine.
- Further, treatment on these points will save women from tidiness and frigidity. Before planning for children, it is essential for the couple to have this treatment for at least 3 to 4 months before conceiving the child in order to prevent any hereditary disease.
- For those couples not getting children, such treatment for 4 to 6 months, taken by both, greatly enhances the chances of conceiving.
5. Prevention of Miscarriage:
After the child is conceived, it is essential to take this treatment regularly to prevent miscarriage and to reduce the possibility of any diseases. It will also ensure proper growth of the child to be born.
6. Painless childbirth:
- At the time of the first delivery, the mother is very much worried and is under great tension. This adds to the labor pains. Sometimes, it has been observed that owing to greater pain or delayed delivery, the child is vitally affected not only in the body but also in the mind.
- Even in the case of the use of forceps or cesarean operation, the child’s body may get damaged and even the mother may be hurt. It is, therefore, essential that the delivery must be quick and painless.
- At the time of childbirth, after the mother is admitted to the labor ward or when the labor pain starts, the following treatment will ensure painless delivery within 20/30 minutes.
Women’s Problems Methods for painless childbirth:
Roll the pulley vigorously on the back of the two arms (from nails to elbow) for 15/20 minutes. The pulley is in the form of a grooved wooden roller or plastic roller.
If such a pulley is not available, rolling can be done with grooved wooden rollers. Otherwise, the back of the two palms and the soles can be rubbed continuously from nails to wrists with two metal combs.
- Continue the rubbing for 5/8 minutes. There is no cause for worry even if the back of the palms and soles becomes blood-red. If necessary, Vaseline may be applied to the affected parts after the delivery.
- Afterward, ask the expectant mother to hold these combs between the tips of her fingers and the upper part of the palms joining the fingers as shown.
- And ask her to give steady pressure on the comb with her fingers and thumbs for two minutes and leave it for 2 minutes and continue this.
- If other things are normal, the child will be born within 20 to 30 minutes and afterward, the mother will not feel exhausted.
In the meantime, ask the mother to take the tongue out as far as possible and give continuous pressure on the back part of the tongue (beyond the teeth) with the handle of the spoon, for 1 minute. Repeat the same with an interval of 3 minutes.
- This would result in instant painless childbirth.
- A lady social worker in Bombay informs that the daughter of her relative took this type of treatment and within 25 minutes delivered a baby without pain.
7. Difficult Labor:
Press hard on the inner side above the ankle as shown in the figure for 2 minutes and then pause and press again this way, till the child is born.
8. Pain in Breasts: After the birth of the child, if owing to any reason it (the child) is not fed on breast milk, there could be an accumulation of milk causing very severe pain in the breasts of the mother.
For curing this within a short time, treatment for 4 to 5 minutes is to be given on the middle portion of the back of both palms as shown here. Repeat this if necessary. The result is astounding.
9. Obesity after Delivery:
- After the delivery of the baby or operation for sterilization, there is a great possibility of the lady putting on fat (obesity) because sex glands are disturbed.
- Treatment on all points corresponding to the endocrine glands is to be taken. Such a treatment taken regularly ensures maintaining a good physique, cheerful nature, proper production of milk for the baby, and the mental calmness needed to face the added responsibility.
10. Anemia:
- This is very common in ladies. Treatment together with supplementing the diet with green juice and healthy drink at least twice a day will show good results.
- In acute cases, the mixture of powders/pills of the ‘following Biochemical medicines viz.
Caldaria FL – 12 x 1/2 oz.
Caldaria Phos – 12 x 1/2 oz.
Ferrum Phos – 12 x 1/2 oz.
Kali Phos – 12 x 1/2 oz.
Natrum Mur – 12 x 1/2 oz.
Is to be made and 1/2 gram OR 3 pills of this mixture to be taken 3 times a day for 30 to 60 days.
11. Falling of hair:
- This is a great problem, especially with women. In such cases, they should rub the nails of eight fingers against each other for 10 to 15 minutes daily.
- For better results, it is advised that rubbing of nails may be done five minutes in the morning and five minutes before retiring. Moreover, give treatment on points 8, 11, to 15, and treatment to remove excess heat from the body may also be taken.
12. Delaying Grey Hair:
As soon as the first grey hair is seen, start rubbing off the nails as mentioned above. This hair will remain black for a longer period.
13. Pimples:
- These are due to scanty, irregular menses and excess heat in the body. Treatment should be given and treatment for removing excess heat as mentioned should be taken.
- Regular use of this Health Science (Acupressure) will help the ladies to maintain a good physique, achieve mental happiness, prolong their interest in sex, curtail their expenses on medicine and unnecessary beauty care, make their life happy, and make their home a Sweet Home.
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