Balanced Meals For Breakfast Lunch And Dinner
Meal Ideas
By now you hopefully have a fairly clear idea of what you need to do to get rid of all those tedious yet tenacious symptoms. But what do you eat? In each chapter, I’ve told you what individual foods to eat, but the question now is how to transform those individual food items into a meal.
Table of Contents
Read And Learn More: Health Problems And Dietary Solutions
I have always given my clients meal ideas rather than recipes because I want them to understand not just what to eat but how to eat for their health requirements. This is intended to be a practical book, and on a practical level you are unlikely to follow recipes three times a day.
Many of the components of these meal ideas are interchangeable and can be adapted to suit your needs and tastes. What’s more, many meals can also be easily assembled either at home or in the workplace, with little or minimal cooking. Obviously, this is because suitability depends on what you are sensitive to, or which foods you are testing. You can adapt most of these ideas to suit your food sensitivities.
Meal Ideas Points To Remember
Choose organic wherever possible, especially when it comes to fatty foods. In Solution 5 you read about how fatty foods tend to be high in toxins. Organic, free-range eggs are superior to eggs from non-organic, indoor-reared birds because they are richer in essential fatty acids.
- Nut butter, other than peanut butter, are usually available from health food stores. Tinned foods are quick, easy and convenient but aim to avoid those with a plastic lining, as this may contain xenoestrogens. Tinned tuna is a good source of protein but not fatty acids as these are destroyed during the canning process.
- The meal ideas below are divided into different sections for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each meal option has either one, two or three stars indicating how suitable it is for the problem addressed.
Breakfast Ideas
Plain bio (live) yoghurt with any or all of the following: chopped or pureed fruit, prunes, a sprinkling of chopped nuts and seeds, flaked almonds, desiccated coconut
Live natural soya yoghurt with any of the above additions
Stewed apples with prunes and prune juice with natural live yoghurt
Sugar-free, wholegrain muesli (high nut/seed content) with milk
Oatcakes with cashew or hazelnut butter
Oatcakes dipped in live natural yoghurt
Porridge with milk and fresh fruit/prunes/nuts and seeds
Fruit salad or pureed mixed fruits with nuts and seeds (pumpkin, linseed, sunflower, sesame)
Poached/scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, sugar-free baked beans
Boiled/poached/scrambled egg on wholemeal rye toast
Kippers with tomatoes and mushrooms
Kedgeree – wholegrain rice with boiled egg and fish (undyed smoked haddock) and peas
Scrambled eggs with smoked wild salmon on wholemeal toast with grilled tomatoes
Turkish-style breakfast – boiled egg, sheep’s cheese, tomatoes, olives, wholemeal bread
Boiled egg and wholemeal toast
Half a grapefruit wholemeal toast with cashew/hazelnut nut butter
Lunch And Dinner Ideas
Wholemeal sandwiches with a protein filling – meat, tuna, egg or cheese – but in addition stuffed with green leafy salad leaves such as rocket or watercress. Alternatively, or in addition, slice up half an avocado and add that.
Mixed bean salad (you can buy tins of mixed beans) with sliced tomato, red onion, marinated tofu and sweetcorn with a virgin olive oil dressing and Greek salad – olives, feta cheese, sliced red onion, tomatoes, red pepper, salad leaves
Egg and potato salad (new pots keep the skin on) with cucumber and spring onion, mayo
Bulgur wheat/barley salad with mixed vegetables and nuts, for example, cashews and Brazils
Vegetable and bean soup with grated Cheddar on top and wholegrain bread roll
Omelette with broccoli
Hummus with sticks of law carrot, colours and groom/rod poppers
Avocado, tomato and mozzarella salad with fresh basil leaves and virgin olive oil
Prawns and avocado with vinaigrette dressing
Baked potato with cottage cheese, hummus, tuna/mayo/ sweetcorn mix, sugar-free baked beans
Smoked mackerel fillet (peppered or plain) with a green salad or spinach And Oily fish (baked or grilled) – mackerel, sardines, wild salmon/trout, herring or tuna with bean salad, mixed vegetables or green salad
Chicken leg/breast or other unprocessed meat with creamed sweet potato and carrot mix or dhal and broccoli/Brussels sprouts/ spinach
Stir-fry vegetables with tofu, seaweed, and wholegrain rice
Prawn curry with lots of mixed vegetables and wholegrain basmati rice
Chilli con carne served with leafy green salad/broccoli and/or dhal
Stir-fried bean sprouts and other vegetables (carrots, peppers, onions) with a seafood cocktail
Home-made bean burger with salad
Roast joint of beef/lamb/pork with roasted potatoes/dhal, Brussels sprouts and carrots
Wholemeal quiche with salad
Bean casserole topped with grated Cheddar
Ratatouille with chicken
Mixed grilled veg (aubergines, peppers, red onion) on grilled polenta topped with melted goat’s cheese
Prawns and steamed white fish (cod, haddock), flaked with peas and wholegrain rice, served with salad
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