Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body
Nature has provided the body with proper regulators and protectors. These are the endocrine glands. The knowledge so far available in the West about these ductless endocrine glands is very limited.
However, yogis in India were aware of its great importance, working and even before Ayurved-6000 years and have described them as chakras.
Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands Acupressure And Natural Therapies
These main endocrine glands produce internal secretion which on getting mixed with blood go to build up the body and maintain it in a healthy condition. These yogis have shown that these endocrine glands-chakras also mold the mind and character.
- In the second chapter, it is narrated that with certain yogic exercises, the latent electricity lying in the bottom can be moved upwards and the power of these endocrine glands can be increased manifold.
- Moreover, there, I have narrated the wonderful character one could acquire by lightening these pituitary and Pineal glands. The main functions of these glands are to maintain the metabolism control of five basic elements of the body.
- Regulate the functions of all the organs and the brain; also adjust the body against changing environment and thus protect the body against any illness. These glands play a very important role not only in the development of our body and mind but also in the development of our looks and even our character.
- From my experience, I have found that even psychological problems are connected with one or more endocrine glands, and treatment of the same has given wonderful results. Thus these endocrine glands play a vital role in our well-being and happiness.
- If these endocrine glands of our body do not function properly it affects our nature. For example, if the Adrenal is not functioning properly, the working of the liver is affected and one becomes fearful-peevish and ill-natured.
- If Sex glands are overactive one becomes passionate and selfish; if Thymus is not normal one becomes mean-minded; if the Pituitary is not normal one becomes pitiless, a doer of crimes and which leads one to become a thief, a dacoit-even a murderer.
- It is therefore most necessary to control these endocrine glands which can be easily done with the treatment of Acupressure. There are seven endocrine glands in the body. They are interrelated and dependent on each other and assist each other.
- So when treating one gland, it is necessary to treat other glands. In case of any problem for about 8 to 10 days, you will find that there is a pain in Thyroid Or Parathyroid. They are the barometers of the body.
- In case of chronic problems, you will observe that points of more than one endocrine gland would be paining.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Thymus gland :
- This is a very important gland and can be considered a Godmother for the child. It protects the growing young child against any disease.
- If treatment for two minutes is given twice a day on the point of this gland in the soles till the child is one year and then also in the two palms till the age of 12/15 along with treatment on points of all other endocrine glands and organs, the child will grow and develop properly in body and mind.
- Once the body is fully developed the gland shrinks and stops its activities. However, if for some reason, it becomes active, it produces dullness and general fatigue leading to total inactivity. (Known as Myasthenia.).
- The point of this gland is situated under and as such deeper pressure is to be applied to reach the Thymus gland.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Thyroid/Parathyroid Glands:
These glands play an important role in the development of the child’s body. As it digests calcium and phosphorus and eliminates poison, and toxins, it controls the heat of the body and thus maintains its health.
- If these glands do not function properly, it leads to weakness, diseases-even twisting of muscles-rickets and convulsions and so the development of a child is retarded-the child becomes fat and dull.
- Similarly, the overworking of this gland leads to overgrowth-bulging eyes, goiter, protruding Adam’s apple, and a tendency to become a bully. Even after puberty if this gland does not function properly, it leads to the problem of calcification-stone. The gland controls, the element of Air and so the lungs and the heart;
- It also helps build human qualities like affection-love- capacity for high thinking and concentration, leading to self control-balanced temperament, purity of heart, and unselfishness.
- When it is deranged, a person becomes mentally unsteady-too talkative, and ungrateful. When this gland is damaged along with sex glands; women during pregnancy and or after childbirth or removal of ovaries, tend to become plumpy and put on weight around the abdomen and waist.
- “Mr.” V.” ” reports about two patients discharged from a reputable hospital in Bombay as being incurable. They were found to be suffering from toxic Thyroid and were given Acupressure treatment. On the 4th day both the patients showed signs of improvement and within 40 days, they were completely cured.’
- As these glands are barometers of the body, there is pain. when there is a complaint of over 8/10 days. They play a vital role in our health and happiness and as such their points occupy a big place in our palmer soul.
- When these glands are not functioning, adequately there is a deficiency of calcium; so it is also necessary to make up for the deficiency of the body by taking calcium-cal. phos + cal flour-biochemical medicines.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Ovary-Testes-Sex-Gonad glands:
These glands maintain the unbroken chain of procreation. They also regulate water elements and so nerves, cells, flesh, bones, bone marrow, and semen.
- Malfunctioning of these glands is noticeable only when children start getting mature; at the age of 12 to 14 girls have problems with menstruation-late or painful or too little leading to pimples and excess heat in the body; or sometimes too much bleeding leading to anemia. This leads to retardation in the growth of the body.
- As for boys they turn to self-abuse, start getting erotic dreams, become shy-often disturb the growth of the body and beard. Moreover, this creates psychological problems, which if not solved immediately, many a time, become the root cause of unhappiness in couples in their early married life.
- Regular and proper functioning of these glands helps in maintaining the heat of the body and plays an important role in contributing to the attractiveness of a boy or a girl.
- Moreover, their nature becomes amiable; they become charming with good manners and agreeable words – and they have fine health. Its disorder leads to make one selfish envious censorious lustful and of angry, disposition.
- After delivery and operation for sterilization, if these glands function less, fat starts accumulating in the body. So to maintain a proper figure of the body, women are advised to take treatment “during and after pregnancy. Further, these glands secrete hormones.
- Insufficient work creates rigidity and problems during menopause. Sometimes, the root cause for not getting a child can be traced to the damaged condition of the sex glands of the couple.
- A doctor couple had no issue even 14 years after their marriage. Both of them started treatment on the points of these glands and within 15 months, they became proud parents of a baby girl.’
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Pancreas glands:
These glands regulate the digestion of sugar-glucose in the body by creating insulin. In modern times due to excessive use of sugar (not the natural sugar in cereals-fruits-milk-honey-which is easily digestible) it has become more necessary to look after the proper functioning of this gland.
- Further, as per the latest research, it has been observed that over-functioning of this gland leads to low B.P., Migraine headaches, and at times creates more desire for sweets foods-leading to Diabetes and sweet drinks leading sometimes to even alcoholism.
- “Mrs. G” wife of an Income tax officer, had severe Migraines for years. She started taking Acupressure treatment and within 15 days she was completely cured.”
- “Mr. P” an Acupressurist, observed that this Pancreas gland was overworking in all sixty workers who had been Alcoholics. He showed them how to take treatment. More than 70% of the workers stopped taking Alcohol”.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Adrenal Glands:
These glands control and regulate the fire element of the body and so control the spleen, liver, and gall bladder and assist in the creation of bile and digestive juices.
- Qualities like keenness of perception-untiring activity-the drive to action-inner energy and courage are due to the proper functioning of these glands.
- They also intensify the flow of blood; help proper oxygenation and develop organizing power that leads to leadership. It plays an important part in the character building of a child.
- In case of disorder of this gland, persons abuse their natural vigor to satisfy their lust or antisocial activities. They suffer from a sense of vain glory and are conceited-become extremely restless-impatient and short-tempered.
- They cannot control their diet and suffer from stomach problems and blood pressure. Such persons. become fearful, timid, and lose the vigor to face the problems of life.
- “A Prince had lost interest in life from the age of 16, stopped studies in the final year of University, and had no interest even in sex, so he did not marry. At the age of 31, after he unsuccessfully tried treatment under various therapies, he consulted an Acupressurist.
- On examination, his Thyroid and Adrenal glands were found to be damaged. The Acupressurist said that the cause of all his troubles was some type of deep fear-a severe shock that had damaged his Adrenal gland.
- The father of the Prince admitted that the Prince had at the age of 16 joined him in hunting in a jungle and had fallen down from the horse and was miraculously saved from a tiger, and since then had hallucination and lost interest in life.
- He was given Acupressure treatment and gold-silver-copper charged water to drink. Within 30 days he became normal and started taking interest in his hobby of painting and also in household chores.”
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Pituitary Gland:
This gland controls air and space in the body. This gland is like a king of all glands and sends orders to all other glands. Its controls will power our sight-hearing-memory and discrimination. It also rectifies the faults of other glands.
- In the case of its predominance, it helps people to become great geniuses, eminent literary men-poets, scientists, philosophers, and lovers of mankind.
- As this gland controls the growth of the body, so its overworking leads to making people physically large in size. While its insufficient functioning may result in making them dwarfs.
- This gland also governs the growth of the mind-brain. This gland may be damaged due to fear or injury or sometimes, due to tension during pregnancy. This also leads to the malfunctioning of other glands. And that results in mentally retarded children.
- So if this problem of mentally retarded children is to be solved, pregnant women during their pregnancy should take treatment on all endocrine glands and avoid damage to the fetus.
- Further, it is observed that in those children where this gland is not working sufficiently they, tend to become mean, heartless, mischievous, tend to become bullies, liars, and disobedient- they are even led to steal.
- With proper treatment of this gland, in most cases, the parents and teachers will get amazing results. As this gland and the Pineal gland are situated in the head, it is harmful to hit children on the head.
- “A 16-year-old girl of a well-to-do family was reported to be stealing petty things from her classmates and no amount of persuasion, scolding or even corporal punishment had any effect on her.
- An acupressurist found that the point of her Pituitary gland was tender and on further examination, her sex glands were also found to be damaged. On inquiry, she admitted that she had scanty as.
- well as painful menses which was the root cause of her habit of stealing. She started taking, Acupressure treatment, and within 15 days, she stopped stealing and within 45 days, her menses became normal.”
- If the growth of the body and brain is not normal, give treatment in the middle of thumbs and big toes, to give necessary stimulation.
- This gland could be damaged during pregnancy and childbirth, which can lead to malfunctioning of other glands especially sex glands which in turn can lead to obesity after childbirth. All these prove the great importance of maintaining this gland in proper working order.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Pineal Gland:
It acts as an organizer and controller of all glands. It controls the development of the glands and regulates them. Malfunctioning of this gland leads to high B.P.
- Also, the awakening of premature sex glands results in sex delinquency. Moreover, it controls the Potassium/Sodium balance in the body and so its malfunctioning leads to excessive retention of fluids in the body which is mistaken for a serious kidney problem.
- It controls a proper flow of Cerebro Spinal Fluid and thus keeps all the glands and body vitalized-strong and healthy. It is also known as a primitive third eye. The predominance of this gland generates a sense of sublimity -helping men grow into sainthood, endowed with divine qualities.
- These people have great wisdom and tenderness of heart, but also strong willpower and so are not affected by the body’s sufferings or sorrow.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Lymph glands:
Although they are not endocrine glands, because of their importance, it has been included here. The point of these glands is under the middle of the wrists. They control the immune defense system of our body, prevent the formation of pus on any cut or boil on the body and quickly heal wounds.
- These glands help clear the toxins from the body-clear the dead cells from the system. But when such toxins and dead cells are in excess in the body these glands have to overwork and become weak and tender.
- At that time when you press on the point of these glands; it pains. If such pain continues it means that these glands are not able to stop the malignant growth forming from toxins and dead cells. As such the first symptom to detect Cancer even at a very early stage is to find out about any pain in this gland.
- Moreover, during recent observation, it has also been found that if there is pain in these glands and also in points of the Pancreas it indicates Diabetes-increase of glucose in the blood. Thus you will observe that to prevent Cancer and sugar in the blood, it is most necessary to keep these glands in active éondition.
Endocrine Glands Regulators Of The Body Increasing the Will Power:
Our mind has a great effect on these glands. For example, continuous fear damages the Pituitary gland and makes one timid. In the same way, tension and worry disturb the Pineal gland and so lead to High B.P. and as the Pineal gland controls other glands it disturbs other glands and the digestive system.
- In modern times, stress tension or worry-fear have increased and often disturb these endocrine glands. If these endocrine glands are not treated immediately, it might lead to the malfunctioning of other glands of the body.
- As these glands are interrelated, whenever one gland is disturbed other glands also get disturbed. So when you press on the points of these endocrine glands you will observe pain on points of than one gland-especially in case of chronic diseases.
- Therefore it is very important to give treatment to all endocrine glands and keep them under proper control. You will have observed that these glands also control the mind-the willpower.
- So in order to get rid of bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol,/drug addiction, or even overeating, it is extremely necessary to give treatment to all the endocrine glands for at least fifteen days.
- Because these people lack the necessary willpower to refrain from such bad habits; they often break their vows to stop such bad habits and so they are considered unreliable.
- However, treatment of fifteen days will give them therefore necessary willpower to stop these bad habits on the sixteenth day. And they will be free from the side effects of stopping these bad habits.
- “A Government officer had the habit of drinking alcohol every evening. He started Acupressure treatment and drank hot water in the evening. Surprisingly, enough he succeeded in getting rid of his habit of drinking.”
- “A young man was addicted to drugs-in spite of many. persuasions by his mother and brother, he continued breaking vows and taking drugs. He was advised Acupressure treatment and so after one month he got himself free from not only drugs but also smoking and even masturbation.”
- It has been observed that if children are taught to take this treatment from an early age of 8-10; not only their physical growth be normal but they will have no problems.
- At the time of puberty and inclination towards delinquency and they will become attractive and will develop a well-balanced outlook on life and will be able to live happily as good citizens.
- If the police-crime department tries this treatment on juveniles and criminals, it will be possible to reduce the crime rate. Many problems considered to be psychological result from improper functioning of these endocrine glands.
- So with proper treatment of these glands, such problems can be easily solved Example. “A girl with a bright record in school, had at the age of 17, a typical problem.
About 45 days before the examination, her hands started shivering five minutes after she started reading and the book would fall down. So she was not able to prepare for the examination and day by day she became more nervous.
- An Acupressurist was consulted. Her Adrenal gland was tender-damaged; on further examination, her sex glands were also found to have been disturbed. On being asked whether she had profuse bleeding before this complaint started, she admitted.
- She started taking Acupressure treatment and in due course passed the examination creditably.” It has been admitted by Allopathic practitioners that by taking unnatural hormones like estrogen to counter the ‘effects of menopause, the possibility of developing Cancer in the body greatly increases.
- The best way to control hormonal balance is to take treatment at least twice a day. That will ensure that this natural phenomenon of menopause passes away without any side effects.
- Moreover, when sex glands are disturbed, Thyroid and parathyroid glands are also disturbed, leading either to decalcification-leading to fracture or forming of stones. As such treatment on Point No.8 and other endocrine glands is necessary.
- It has been observed that in case of the Cancer, as the disease progresses, these endocrine glands become more and more tender, and because of overworking, then they become tired and eventually stop.
- Secreting the most vital hormones in the body and damaging the very metabolism of the body at this stage this disease is considered malignant, and if proper treatment is not taken, it develops rapidly and becomes deadly.
- Hence, the great importance of controlling all these endocrine glands must be properly realized. If all these endocrine glands are controlled properly and thereby all the organs, the possibility of Cancer becomes remote.
- It is only Acupressure therapy which shows the proper way to control these vital glands in the easiest way. As these endocrine glands are interrelated, in order to correct the defects of one gland, it is necessary to give treatment to all the endocrine glands.
- These glands are situated deep inside the body and so a little more pressure preferably with the thumb in a vertical position or an unsharpened pencil or a harder massage on the same will be necessary.
Functions And Effects Of The Malfunctioning Of Endocrine Glands
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