Intermediate Pranic Healing
Man lives only as long as he has life energy in his body. If he lacks life energy, he dies. Therefore, we should practice pranayama (the art of controlling life energy or prana through breathing).
Table of Contents
Drawing in Prana through Pranic Breathing
In Elementary Pranic Healing, you learned to draw in prana through one of the hand chakras. In Intermediate Pranic Healing, you will learn pranic breathing in order to absorb or draw in a tremendous amount of prana through the whole body from the surroundings.
- There are many types of yogic breathing intended for different purposes. Yogic breathing that enables the practitioner to draw in a lot of pranas and facilitates the projection of prana is called pranic breathing.
- Pranic breathing energizes you to such an extent that your auras temporarily expand by 100 percent or more. The inner aura expands to about eight inches or more, the health aura to about four feet or more, and the outer aura to about two meters or more.
Read And Learn More: The Ancient Science And Art Of Pranic Healing
- When doing pranic breathing, the healer becomes more powerful. His etheric body or his energy body becomes brighter and denser. All of these can be verified through scanning.
- You can perform this simple experiment:
- Ask a friend to do pranic breathing for several minutes. Scan your friend before, during, and after pranic breathing. Note the changes in the size of the auras. You may even feel a rhythmic pulsation or expansion.
- It is important that you perform this and other experiments so that your knowledge will be based on solid foundations.
By breathing, you are able to absorb and project a tremendous amount of life energy or prana.
Method 1 – Deep Breathing with Empty Retention
- Connect your tongue to your palate.
- Do abdominal breathing,
- Inhale slowly and retain for one count.
- Exhale slowly. Retain your breath for one count before inhaling. This is called empty retention.
Method 2 7-1-7-1
- Connect your tongue to your palate,
- Do abdominal breathing.
- Inhale for seven counts and retain for one count.
- Exhale for seven counts and retain for one count.
Method 3-6-3-6-3
- Connect your tongue to your palate.
- Do abdominal breathing.
- Inhale for six counts and retain for three counts.
- Exhale for six counts and retain for three counts.
In doing abdominal breathing, you expand your abdomen slightly when inhaling and contract your abdomen slightly when exhaling. Do not over-expand or over-contract your abdomen. This would make breathing unnecessarily difficult.
- The critical factors involved are rhythm and empty retention. Holding your breath after exhalation is called empty retention, and holding your breath after inhalation is called full retention.
- Through clairvoyant observation, it is noted that there is a tremendous amount of prana rushing into all parts of the body when inhalation is done after empty retention. This does not take place if the inhalation is not preceded by empty retention.
- When drawing in prana, you may use either the pranic breathing method or the hand chakras technique, or both of them simultaneously.
- Doing pranic breathing before and after healing is important.
- Before healing patients, do five cycles of pranic breathing to increase the energy level of your etheric body, and thereby increase the healing power.
- After healing, wash your hands and do five cycles of pranic breathing to recharge your body and avoid pranic depletion. If the instructions are followed, the healer will be able to treat many patients in one day without getting depleted.
How To Draw In Ground Prana Air Prana And Tree Prana
There is a minor chakra in each foot. This chakra is called the sole chakra. By concentrating on the sole chakras and simultaneously doing pranic breathing, you can tremendously increase the amount of ground prana absorbed through the sole chakras.
- Concentrating on the sole chakras activates them to a certain degree. Pranic breathing greatly helps the sole chakras in drawing in ground prana. Drawing in ground prana is one way of energizing yourself.
- Ground prana seems to be more effective in healing the visible physical body than air prana. For example, wounds and fractured bones seem to heal faster with ground prana than with air prana.
This technique of drawing in ground prana or earth ki is practiced in Chinese esoteric martial art or ki kung (qigong).
To Draw In Ground Prana Air Prana And Tree Prana Procedure:
- Remove your shoes. Leather shoes and rubber shoes reduce the absorption of prana by about 30 to 50 percent.
- Connect your tongue to your palate.
- Press the hollow portion of your feet with your thumbs to make concentration easier.
- Concentrate on the soles of your feet and do pranic breathing simultaneously. Do this for about 10 cycles.
- Practice only in clean places. Do not practice on top of a septic tank. Otherwise, this will cause the practitioner to be severely contaminated with dirty energy.
- This type of ailment is difficult to heal because the dirty energy is absorbed deeply into the system of the practitioner. It usually manifests as extreme difficulty in urination.
- You can use the same principle to draw in air prana or tree prana through the hand chakras to energize yourself. To draw in air prana through the hands, just concentrate on the hand chakras and simultaneously do pranic breathing.
- To draw in tree prana through the hand chakras, choose a big healthy tree and ask mental or verbal permission from the tree to draw in its excess prana. Put your hands on the trunk of the tree or near it.
- Concentrate on the centers of your palms and simultaneously do pranic breathing. Do this for ten cycles and thank the tree for the prana. Some of you may experience numbness or a tingling sensation throughout your body.
- After energizing yourself, it is advisable to circulate the prana throughout the body. Visualize yourself filled with white light or prana and circulate the prana continuously from the back to the front several times, then from the front to the back several times also.
- Once esoteric principles and techniques are fully explained, they are usually very simple.
Sensitizing The Hands And The Fingers Through Pranic Breathing
By now, most of you should have more or less permanently sensitized your hands. However, sometimes you may experience moments wherein the hands seem not to be able to feel or scan. This can be immediately remedied by concentrating simultaneously on the centers of your palms and the tips of your fingers while doing pranic breathing for about seven cycles.
- This will cause the hand chakras and finger chakras to be activated, energized, and sensitized so that you can scan accurately with your palms and your fingers.
- It is important to connect the tongue to the palate when sensitizing the hands and fingers and when scanning. This will facilitate the sensitizing and scanning process.
Scanning With The Fingers
After sensitizing your hands, scan your own palm with your two fingers. Move your fingers slowly and slightly back and forth to feel the inner aura of your palm. Try to feel the thickness of your palm and the different layers of the inner aura. The practice also scanning your palm with one finger. Always concentrate on the tips of your fingers when scanning with them. This will activate or further activate the mini finger chakras, thereby sensitizing the fingers.
- When scanning with your palms and fingers, always concentrate on the centers of your palms and on the tips of your fingers.
- This will cause the hand chakras and the finger chakras to remain activated or become more activated, increasing the sensitivity of your palms and fingers.
- Being able to scan with the palms is not sufficient. You must also learn to scan with your fingers. This is required in locating or proper scanning of small troubled spots, which is difficult to do with the palm.
- The palm may only feel the healthier surrounding areas around the small troubled spots. The small troubled spots are camouflaged by the healthier parts.
- For instance, a person with eye problems usually has pranic depletion in the eyes, while the inner auras of the surrounding areas may be normal.
- Since the palm is quite big and the inner aura of the eyes is about two inches in diameter, it is likely that the palms may feel only the healthy areas of the eyebrows and forehead without becoming aware of the small troubled spots.
- This could be avoided if the fingers were used in scanning. The spinal column should also be scanned by using one or two fingers in order to locate small troubled spots.
- In scanning a patient, you do not have to scan the outer and health auras. You were taught how to scan these auras in order to prove to yourself their existence. What is important is scanning the inner aura of the patient.
- In scanning the inner aura, it is important to feel the general energy level or the general thickness of the inner aura of the patient.
- The general energy level will be used as a reference point or standard in comparing the conditions of some of the major chakras and vital organs.
- The accuracy of scanning will be affected if that area is scanned for too long because the scanned area will become partially energized.
- It is important that you should be able to feel the pressure when scanning in order to determine the thickness of the inner aura of the part being scanned.
- Some of you may feel pain in your hands or fingers when in contact with a diseased part. The inner aura has several layers.
- Scanning the inner aura, you may feel pressure at about five inches and another layer that is denser or stronger in pressure at about two or three inches away from the skin.
- Sometimes the inner aura of a certain part may seem normal. But when scanned further within, the next layer is rather thin which means that the part is quite depleted.
- In scanning the inner aura, it is important to scan not only its first layer but also its inner layers. An advanced yogi or an advanced practitioner of ki kung (the art of generating internal power) has an inner aura that is comparatively big and has many layers.
- Sometimes the inner aura is several meters in thickness. Scanning is also very useful in determining whether an infant or a child has hearing or eyesight problems.
- In treating serious cases, the 11 major chakras, the relevant minor chakras, all the major and vital organs, and the spine should be scanned thoroughly.
- It is through proper scanning and a correct understanding of the nature of the ailment that the correct treatment can be determined.
Sweeping With Pranic Breathing
- General and localized sweeping is more effective when used with pranic breathing since the patient is cleansed and energized simultaneously to a substantial degree.
- This type of sweeping is quite effective and very often sufficient to heal simple ailments. Sweeping can be done several feet away from the patient and with fewer strokes. You do not have to bother with what hand position to use.
- Just follow the instructions given in elementary pranic healing on how to apply general sweeping and localized sweeping, and simultaneously do pranic breathing.
- You may visualize luminous white prana sweeping and washing the patient from the crown to the feet when doing downward sweeping. Visualize the health rays being straightened.
- You do not have to do upward sweeping unless the patient is quite sleepy or has weak legs. When doing upward sweeping, you may visualize ground prana going up from the sole chakras to the crown chakra.
- This should be done after the patient has been cleansed sufficiently with downward sweeping. Apply upward general sweeping before applying downward sweeping may result in the transference of diseased energy to the head and brain areas.
- This may result in serious harm to the patient. You may or may not visualize when you do sweeping, but with some healers sweeping is more effective when it is accompanied by visualization. What is important is the intention to clean and energize the patient’s energy body.
- In sweeping, special attention should be placed on the back energy channel or the governor meridian which interpenetrates the spine, and the front energy channel or functional meridian which is opposite to the spine.
- Except for the spleen chakra, almost all the major chakras are directly located along these two channels or nadis.
- Cleansing or applying localized sweeping on these two channels would clean the major chakras located along these two meridians, resulting in a much faster rate of healing. You must remember that all the major and vital organs are energized and controlled by the major chakras.
- When applying localized sweeping, visualize the fingers and the hands penetrating into the diseased part and the greyish diseased energy being removed.
Energizing With Pranic Breathing
Prana is drawn in by using pranic breathing and is projected through one or both of the hand chakras.
1. Do pranic breathing slowly for about three to five cycles and simultaneously calm and still your mind.
2. Continue doing pranic breathing and simultaneously put your hand or hands near the part to be treated. Concentrate on the center of your palm or palms.
3. Will or direct the projected pranic energy to the affected chakra and then to the affected part. This is important.
- In many cases, it will produce rapid relief since the affected part or organ will be quickly provided with sufficient pranic energy.
- The attention should be focused primarily on the hand chakra or chakras and on directing the pranic energy, less on breathing.
4. Stop energizing when you intuitively sense the patient has enough prana or life energy. Rescan the patient to determine whether he is sufficiently energized.
- In elementary pranic healing, you were instructed to stop energizing when you feel a slight repulsion or a cessation of the flow of energy.
- As you become more advanced in healing, this guideline is no longer valid because your pranic energy level becomes much higher compared to that of the patient.
- Equalizing your pranic energy level with the affected part of the patient may result in pranic congestion on the part being treated.
5. If the patient has a severe infection, burns, or cuts, then the treatment has to be repeated after half an hour or after an hour. These types of cases consume pranic energy at a very fast rate; therefore, the treatments have to be repeated more frequently.
- Energizing should be done simultaneously with pranic breathing. It is preferable to do pranic breathing for three to five cycles before you start energizing and to continue doing pranic breathing for three cycles after you have stopped energizing.
- This is to prevent possible general pranic depletion on the part of the healer. There are two types of double energizing, or energizing with two hands parallel double energizing and non-parallel double energizing.
- In parallel double energizing, simply place your hands facing and parallel to each other with the affected part in between them. In non-parallel double energizing, the hands are directed to the affected part but are not parallel to each other.
- In parallel double energizing, an intense energy field is created causing the hand to rhythmically expand and contract. The tingling sensation is felt not only in the affected part but also in other parts of the body.
- At times, the patient may even feel a slight electric shock. Double energizing is usually used in cases that require a tremendous amount of prana.
- Cleansing must be done before double energizing. Double energizing can also be used to quickly relieve simple ailments or illnesses which have been mentioned in elementary pranic healing.
Energizing: Distributive Sweeping Technique
Energizing with the use of the distributive sweeping technique simply means the use of sweeping to redistribute excess prana from other parts of the body to the ailing part.
- Clean the ailing part by applying localized sweeping.
- Sweep the excess prana with the use of your hand from the surrounding parts and chakras to the treated part.
This type of energizing is quite effective in healing simple ailments but not the more serious ones since they require a tremendous amount of prana.
Disposing Of Diseased Energy
There are times when it is inconvenient or impossible to throw away the diseased energy into a disposal unit. Should this happen, just simply will the diseased energy disintegrate when you flick it away.
- This technique is applicable only to the more proficient healers. For beginners, you can try to heal in open spaces and throw the diseased energy deep into the ground.
- It is a common practice among shamans to dispose of objects filled with diseased energy by burning them, exposing them to the air for a prolonged period of time, or burying them under the ground.
Utilizing Ground Prana In Healing
There is a greater concentration of prana just above the ground than in the air. The density of prana just above the ground is about four or five times greater than the prana contained in the air. This concentration of ground prana can be used for healing.
- Ask your patient to lie down on the ground. A cotton blanket or mat made of natural material may be used to lie down on. Avoid using leather, rubber, synthetic foam, mat or blanket for this purpose.
- They tend to act as insulators that hinder the free flow of ground prana into the body. Apply general sweeping and localized sweeping several times. Let the patient rest and gradually absorb the ground prana.
- The act of cleansing causes a sort of partial “pranic vacuum” that results in the rushing of ground prana into the energy body of the patient and into the treated part.
- Energy tends to flow from a level of greater intensity to lower intensity or from a level of greater concentration to lower concentration. Once the patient is cleansed, energizing with ground prana occurs automatically and gradually.
- The healer should preferably energize the patient after sweeping to shorten the time required to substantially energize the affected part.
- This is also the reason why some shaman healers go to the extent of burying the patient in the ground so that he can absorb more ground prana.
- If one is not feeling too well, one can take a swim in the sea for about 10-15 minutes to cleanse the energy body; after that, one may bury his body in the sand to gradually absorb ground prana.
Pranic Breathing Suggested Practice Schedule
- Sensitizing the hands and the fingers through pranic breathing for three minutes.
- Scanning with two fingers – three minutes
- Pranic breathing with drawing in of air prana through the hand chakras for three minutes
- Energizing with pranic breathing – three minutes
Follow this schedule for about three to five weeks. You should also try to treat many difficult cases. If you follow consistently the instructions in this book, your healing skill will develop very rapidly. You will be able to do a lot of things that may be considered by others as “impossible” or “miraculous.”
Rotation Of The Chakras
Some students think a chakra rotates counterclockwise while some think it rotates clockwise. Both are partially correct and partially wrong. A chakra is rapidly rotating alternately clockwise and counterclockwise.
- Clockwise motion draws in pranic energy to the chakra while counterclockwise motion projects or draws out pranic energy from the chakra. The clockwise motion of the chakra is absorbing while the counter-clockwise motion of the chakra is projecting or expelling.
- When a healer draws in pranic energy through a chakra, the chakra is predominantly rotating clockwise and to a much lesser degree, rotating counterclockwise.
- When a healer projects pranic energy through a chakra, it is predominantly rotating counterclockwise and, to a much lesser degree, rotating clockwise.
- Under normal conditions, a chakra is rotating clockwise and counterclockwise in equal proportions. So the amount of pranic energy coming in and going out is about the same.
- When energizing, the hand chakra is predominantly rotating counterclockwise and to a lesser degree clockwise (drawing in). This is why the energizing hand also absorbs diseased energy and has to be flicked regularly to throw away the diseased energy.
- It is better to clean before energizing not only to reduce the possibility of radical reaction but also to minimize the quantity of diseased energy that will be absorbed by the healer when energizing.
- This is why the author does not recommend healers to energize with the use of their eyes or with a major chakra because the eyes are very delicate and difficult to clean while a major chakra controls a vital organ or several organs.
- It is possible for the corresponding organ or organs to fully absorb the diseased energy which is harmful to the healer. Under normal conditions, a chakra draws in and projects pranic energy alternately at a rapid rate.
- The amount of pranic energy drawn in and projected are more or less equal. The chakra rotates clockwise at 180 degrees and counterclockwise at 180 degrees in the opposite direction alternately at a rapid rate.
- When the hand chakra predominantly projects, the counterclockwise motion is 360 degrees and the clockwise motion is only 180 degrees. When the hand chakra rotates counterclockwise.
- It projects pranic energy and stops for a split second, then rotates in a clockwise motion and draws in pranic energy and stops for a split second. The entire process is repeated. The pranic energy projected is not continuous and neither is the pranic energy drawn in.
- It only appears as continuous because the chakra is moving rapidly and alternately clockwise and counterclockwise, thereby giving an appearance of continuous projection of pranic energy or continuous drawing in of pranic energy.
- The difference in the intensity of pranic energy projected depends on the rate of rotation of the chakras. The faster it rotates, the more intense the projected pranic energy, and the slower it rotates, the less intense the pranic energy projected.
- When a hand chakra is predominantly absorbing, it makes a 360-degree clockwise rotation and an ISO-degree counterclockwise rotation, and vice-versa when it is predominantly projecting pranic energy.
- The intensity of pranic energy projected or absorbed does not involve changes in the pattern of rotation of the chakra but is dependent upon the rate of rotation of the chakra. The faster it rotates, the more intense the projected or absorbed prana.
- In India and China, there are yogis and chi kung practitioners who heal by placing the hand near the affected part, then moving it in a circular motion.
- If the yogi or chi kung healer wants to clean or decongest an affected part, he applies localized sweeping by moving his hand several times in a counterclockwise motion to increase the chakra’s counterclockwise motion, thereby facilitating the removal of diseased energy.
- He then flicks his hand to throw away the diseased energy. This process is continued until the affected chakra becomes substantially clean.
- If the yogi wants to energize an affected chakra, he projects pranic energy and simultaneously moves his hand clockwise to make the affected chakra, draw in more pranic energy by increasing the chakra’s clockwise motion.
- The clockwise motion is for energizing while the counterclockwise is for cleansing or decongesting. The technique is simple and easy to apply.
- The appearance of the chakra is dependent upon its speed of rotation. Under normal conditions, the rapid clockwise and counterclockwise rotations produce an optical effect making the
- chakra look like a lotus flower with many pointed petals. The pointed petals are “optically produced” by the combined motions of pranic energy moving clockwise and counterclockwise.
- This is why. in ancient Tibetan, Chinese, and Sanskrit books on yoga, the chakras are usually presented as lotus flowers with many pointed petals. When a chakra is deliberately slowed down, the actual shape and number of petals can be seen clearly.
- The shape of the petals of a chakra is round. This is why the petals of the chakras described by Leadbeater are round, not pointed. When the chakra. is moving very rapidly, the chakra bulges out or becomes quite thick.
- When it is rotating at an extremely rapid rate, the chakra appears as a dazzling point of light. When a spiritual aspirant is meditating, spiritual and pranic energies are attracted to the head area.
- This is why advanced yogis or saints are clairvoyantly seen. with a dazzling or blinding light on the head area (spiritual “halo”).
Other Healing Techniques
The healing techniques that were explained earlier are those often used by the author and his friends. There are many other healing techniques used by other healers, but the basic principles are the same: cleansing and energizing the affected parts.
Other healing techniques:
- Extraction technique
- Primitive
- Elementary
- Advanced
- Short-circuiting – cleansing and energizing
- Short-circuiting – redistribution of prana.
Extraction Technique Primitive
- There are several types of extraction techniques and the simplest is done sometimes, if not usually, by natural-born healers who have had no training in healing.
- These healers simply touch the affected part and involuntarily extract or absorb the pain and the diseased energy into his body without expelling it.
- This is because they do not really know how to expel the diseased energy and do not understand the process. Consequently, they are affected by the diseased energy but recover after a good night’s sleep. This technique is definitely not advisable.
Extraction Technique Elementary
- Another type of extraction technique is absorbing the diseased matter through one of the hand chakras and expelling it through the other hand chakra. You may use either of the hand chakras for extraction and expelling.
- Although this is an improvement over the primitive technique, it is still not advisable because there is always the possibility that some diseased energy will remain in the healer’s body.
- Just imagine what will happen to the healer if he extracts dirty energy from 20-50 patients a day for 250 days a year. It is quite unlikely that the healer will remain healthy for long.
- He might even end up with so many strange diseases. The idea of absorbing dirty, sticky, and greyish-diseased energy is just plainly repulsive.
Extraction Technique Advanced
Another type of extraction technique is simply extracting the diseased energy from the affected part by an act of will. The hand is placed a few inches away from the affected part and the diseased. energy is extracted by willing it to come out. No sweeping movement is done. The diseased energy is caught by the hand and flicked into the disposal unit.
Short-Circuiting Cleansing And Energizing
- Short-circuiting can be done either to clean and energize simultaneously an affected part or to redistribute prana from one area to another part.
- Short-circuiting (cleansing and energizing) is done by simply placing the energizing hand at the back of the chakra to be treated and the extracting hand in front of it.
Extraction Technique Advanced Procedure:
- Do pranic breathing.
- Place your energizing hand at the back of the chakra to be treated.
- Place your extracting hand in front of the chakra. Visualize your extracting hand surrounded by a layer of bright light.
- Energize the back of the chakra. Visualise and will the dirty energy to come out. The diseased energy should not penetrate the layer of bright light on the extracting hand. Do not absorb the dirty energy into your body!
- Flick the dirty energy into the disposal unit.
Short-Circuiting Redistribution Of Prana
- One hand is used for drawing in prana from the source and the other is used for energizing the part to be treated.
- For example, in treating a headache, the hand that is drawing in prana is placed in front of the throat chakra, and the energizing hand is placed on the affected part.
- There are other healing techniques not dealt with here but the basic principles which are cleansing and energizing are the same.
Energizing Objects
Objects like water, food, herbs, medicine, alcohol, oil, ointment, balm, lotion, band-aid, bandage, and cotton can be charged with prana to facilitate the healing process. Herbs, drugs, ointment, balm, lotion, and oil can be energized to increase their effectiveness and potency. Rubbing alcohol can be energized to increase its disinfecting action and hasten the rate of healing.
- Band-aids, bandages, and cotton can also be energized for similar purposes. Energized water can be taken internally by the patients to facilitate the healing process. Cold water absorbs more prana while warm water absorbs much less.
- The transference of pranic energy or healing energy, contained in the energized oil, to the affected part or chakra, is the principle behind the religious practice of anointing the sick with holy or energized oil.
- There are some patients who involuntarily or wilfully resist the healing process. A patient who resists can, to a certain extent, block or prevent the entry of prana into his body.
- In this case, energized oil can also be used as an entry point for prana. It acts as a “gate or a hole” for prana to enter the patient’s body.
- For healing skin diseases, energized ointment, lotion or balm can be used after the initial pranic treatment. Instead of healing the patient so many times, healing sessions can be reduced.
- The healing process is hastened by the use of energized ointment or medicine. Therefore, the healer will have more time to treat more serious cases.
- It is quite likely that in a few decades from now, most drugs or medicines will be energized with prana to produce faster and more effective results.
- Objects can be energized by using pranic breathing and the energizing technique. Energizing can also be done through physical
Treatments For Simple And Serious Cases
1. Strengthening The Body’s Defense System By Increasing Its Life Energy Level
- Many ailments are due to bacterial and viral infections. The white blood cells that protect the body from infections are produced by the bones.
- By proper pranic treatment and by increasing the life energy level of the body, its defense system is strengthened and enhanced.
- Apply general sweeping three or four times.
- Clean and energize the sole and hand minor chakras. Simultaneously, you may visualize pranic energy or “white light” going inside the bones.
- This is to strengthen the bones in the arms and legs and also to partially activate the sole and hand chakras so that they will absorb more prana, thereby increasing the life energy level of the body.
- Do not stabilize the projected pranic energy because this may partially inhibit the sole and hand minor chakras. c. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras and on the liver (front, side, and back).
- Energize the front solar plexus chakra. This is to strengthen the liver and energize the whole body, especially the internal organs in the trunk. The liver detoxifies the blood; strengthening it also enhances the body’s defense system.
- Clean and energize the navel chakra. This has two major effects: first, energizing and partially activating the navel chakra will energize and partially activate the spleen chakra so that it will absorb more prana and thus, increase the life energy level of the body.
- Second, the navel chakra is partially activated and stimulated to produce more “biosynthetic ki” and make the etheric body more powerful, thereby increasing the ability of the etheric body to absorb more prana.
- For severe cases of infection, clean and energize gently the front and back spleen chakras. Observe the patient. In rare cases, he may get congested and may faint. Do not highly energize the spleen chakra if the patient has hypertension.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic chakra. Do not energize the basic chakra if the patient has a fever since the temperature may rise.
2. Measles, German Measles, and Chicken Pox
- Apply general sweeping three or four times,
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the face, the throat, and the front and back trunk. Special emphasis should be given to the affected part and the abdominal area.
- To improve the body’s defense system, apply localized sweeping on the liver and the solar plexus chakra about 50 times each and then energize the solar plexus chakra. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the upper and lower abdominal areas, navel chakra, hand, and sole minor chakras. Energize the navel chakra, hand, and sole minor chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy,
- The emphasis of the treatment should be on the thorough cleansing of the body.
- Do not energize the basic chakra directly because this may increase the body’s temperature. General and localized. sweeping can be repeated two or three times a day.
- Repeat the treatment for the next several days.
3. Mumps and Tonsillitis
- Apply general sweeping two or three times,
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the throat and the entire neck area.
- Thoroughly cleanse and energize the throat and secondary throat chakras.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing alternately on the jaw minor chakras until the patient is substantially relieved. The jaw’s minor chakras are located at the lower back part of the ears.
- By energizing the jaw minor chakras, the entire mouth will be energized including the parotid glands and the tonsils. Since the affected parts will consume prana at a very fast rate, the throat chakra and the jaw minor chakras should be cleansed and energized twice a day.
- Be sure to stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- To improve the body’s defense system, apply the procedure given in “Strengthening the body’s defense system by increasing its life energy level”.
4. Gum Bleeding
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the affected part. Repeat the treatment for as long as necessary.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat chakra, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat treatment for as long as necessary.
5. Pyorrhea
- Apply general sweeping two or three times.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the affected part.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat chakra, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Since the rate of pranic consumption is so fast, steps b and c must be repeated two or three times a day.
- To increase the body’s defense mechanism, follow the instructions given in “Strengthening the body’s defense system by increasing its life energy level.”
- Instruct the patient to see a dentist immediately.
6. Fainting
- Energize the navel chakra until the patient recovers consciousness. This increases the pranic energy level of the whole body including the head area. This approach is slower but safer.
- Another approach is to energize the back of the head. This is faster but it may cause pranic congestion of the head due to overenergizing. This will manifest as a headache.
- If the loss of consciousness is due to sudden emotional shock, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras and the navel chakra; then energize the navel and front solar plexus chakras.
- If a head concussion is involved, apply localized sweeping and energizing alternately on the affected part of the head. Instruct the patient to see a medical doctor immediately.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
7. Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Astigmatism
The eye chakras or the eyes are usually quite depleted, the thickness ranging from less than an inch to two inches. In fewer cases, you will encounter eye ailments caused by pranic congestion. Please take note: The eyes should not be energized directly, because they will easily be congested and their condition will become worse. The eyes are energized through the Ajna, back head, and temple minor chakras,
- Scan the eyes with one or two of your fingers.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the eyes. If localized sweeping is done properly, the inner auras of the eyes will increase slightly.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the ajna chakra, back head chakra, and the temple minor chakras. When energizing, you may visualize white light or pranic energy going inside the eyes. Energize the temple minor chakras only a little.
- Rescan the eyes and apply more localized sweeping.
- If the patient is weak or old, apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic, sex, navel, and solar plexus chakras to strengthen the entire body and increase the rate of healing. The rate of healing does not only depend on the condition of the eyes but also on the general condition of the whole body.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- It is quite likely that your patient will experience a slight immediate temporary improvement. This is a good sign. The treatment should be repeated twice or thrice a week. Preferably, the patient should stop wearing eyeglasses to facilitate the healing process.
- Patients who suffer headaches when they do not wear eyeglasses should gradually reduce the amount of time wearing them. Complete healing may take about three to four months.
8. Cross-eyes and Wall-eyes
Apply the same treatment as in the preceding case.
9. Chronic or Acute Glaucoma
The eyes, eye chakras, Ajna, temple minor, and back head chakras and the head are affected. Glaucoma could be aggravated or triggered by habitual stress or negative emotions. Therefore, the solar plexus chakra is also affected. In acute glaucoma, the patient may experience intense pain in the head and the eyes accompanied by general weakening. He may also experience blindness for a shorter or longer period of time.
- Scan the eyes, eye chakras, Ajna, temple and backhead chakras, the entire head area, and the front and back solar plexus chakras with one or two fingers.
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- To relieve the patient immediately of the pain or discomfort in the eyes, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the eyes and then on the entire head area.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the ajna, temple, and back head chakras. When energizing, you may visualize white light or pranic energy going inside the eyes.
- Rescan the eyes. Repeat steps c and d until the patient is substantially relieved.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakras. This is very important. since glaucoma could be caused by habitual stress or negative emotions.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- If the patient has a heart ailment, then the heart should also be treated
- Apply the treatment thrice a week. This should be continued for several months or for as long as it is required. If the cause is emotional in origin, the patient is advised to consult a psychotherapist or a clinical psychologist. The patient should learn how to relax and meditate in order to regulate his emotions properly.
- In acute glaucoma, the treatment may be repeated after one or two hours if he is still experiencing discomfort.
- Instruct the patient to consult an eye specialist immediately and a certified pranic healer.
10. Heart Ailments
Heart ailments may manifest as pranic depletion or congestion, or both on the heart chakra. Although there are many types of heart ailments such as heart enlargement, and partial failure of the heart muscles. For rheumatic heart, and heart injury due to pacemaker malfunction, etc., the treatment is basically the same cleansing and energizing the heart and the solar plexus chakras,
- Scan thoroughly the patient, especially the heart, heart chakra, front and back solar plexus, basic, throat, and Ajna chakras.
- Apply general sweeping three times. General sweeping should preferably be applied first before other treatments in order to disentangle the health rays and seal off holes in the outer aura. This will definitely make healing easier.
- Scan the heart thoroughly. Ask the patient to point out the small areas where he feels pain or discomfort. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front heart chakra and on the small troubled spots with your fingers. Visualize your fingers going inside the small troubled spots and removing the diseased energy.
- The heart should be energized through the back heart chakra and not through the front heart chakra. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the back heart chakra and you may visualize the physical heart and the front heart chakra becoming bright and clean.
- Get feedback from the patient to determine which spot or spots are still painful or uncomfortable. Rescan and apply more localized sweeping and energizing. If the treatment is done properly and thoroughly, the patient will experience immediate partial relief.
- Substantial relief may also be experienced immediately or after several hours or days. In pranic depletion of the heart, the emphasis should be on energizing, but thorough cleansing is also very important.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the liver and the solar plexus chakra and then energize the solar plexus chakra. The emphasis should be on thorough cleansing.
- If there is severe pranic congestion on the front heart and the front solar plexus chakras, then apply localized sweeping thoroughly. It may take about 5-10 minutes to remove thoroughly the congested diseased energy.
- The patient will usually be relieved immediately after the localized sweeping. Energize the heart through the back heart chakra and apply more localized sweeping. Energize the solar plexus chakra and apply more localized sweeping, Steps c, d, e and f are very important and should be done properly.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the navel, sex, and basic chakras. This will strengthen the body and further accelerate the rate of healing of the heart. The emphasis is on the basic chakra since it controls and energizes the skeletal and muscular systems.
- The heart is basically made up of muscles. Cleansing and energizing the basic chakra thoroughly will facilitate the recovery of the heart.
- In some cases, the throat chakra is affected, especially if the patient has an irregular heartbeat. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the throat, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras.
- The ajna is the master or executive chakra. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the ajna to facilitate the proper functioning of the other chakras, thereby accelerating the healing process.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- The treatment may last for a few minutes to about half an hour in most cases. It should be applied thrice a week. For critically ill patients, pranic treatment may be applied twice or thrice a day for the next few days. There are no fixed guidelines. You will have to use your own discretion. It may take several weeks to about three months to heal and normalize the heart condition.
- The recovery period varies depending upon the seriousness of the heart ailment, the cooperation of the patient, the frequency of pranic treatment, and other relevant factors.
11. High Cholesterol Level
The cholesterol level of the body is regulated by the solar plexus chakra and the liver; therefore, they must be treated.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras about 50 times.
- Apply localized sweeping 50 times each on the liver (front, side, and back).
- Energize the solar plexus chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakras, then energize the back heart chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the Ajna, throat, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment three times a week for as long as necessary.
- Malfunctioning of the solar plexus chakra and the liver can be caused by stress and negative emotions; it is, therefore, advisable for the patient to practice relaxation and simple meditation.
12. Hypertension
Hypertension is caused by the overactivation of the meng mein chakra which is quite grey. This could be caused by several factors such as improper diet, drugs, diseased kidneys, emotional factors, and improper yogic or chi kung practices.
- When a person is angry, very irritated, or under a lot of stress, the solar plexus chakra becomes overactivated. This may cause the mong main chakra to also become overactivated, resulting in hypertension.
- As explained, the meng mein chakra regulates blood pressure. The basic chakra has to be treated also since it is usually grey or dirty. The solar plexus, meng mein and basic chakras should not be highly energized since the patient may get worse.
- There is too much pranic energy going up from the basic chakra to the head, thereby causing much discomfort in that area. The head, especially its back part, is quite dirty and therefore, must be cleansed thoroughly.
- Apply general sweeping three times or more.
- To rapidly bring down the blood pressure, apply, localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus and meng mein chakras for about 100 times or more each until the blood pressure has been reduced and stabilized.
- This can be repeated several times a day if necessary. Please note: do not energize the meng mein chakra because the patient may become worse. The complete treatment is given in advanced pranic healing.
- If the kidneys are malfunctioning, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on them.
- Apply localized sweeping on the basic chakra since it is usually also affected.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the crown chakra, the back of the head, and the spine to further relieve the patient.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the crown, forehead, and Ajna chakras. Then apply more localized sweeping on the entire head area.
- If the heart is affected then it should also be treated.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Instruct the patient to see immediately a medical doctor, and also a certified pranic healer.
13. Loss of Smell
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the forehead and Ajna chakras with emphasis on the latter.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the right and left nostril mini chakras. These mini chakras are located on the lower side of the nostrils.
- Check the ear minor chakras and the back head minor chakra. If they are affected, cleanse and energize them,
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment twice a week for as long as necessary.
14. Sinusitis
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the area above the eyebrows and the cheekbones.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the forehead and Ajna chakras with emphasis on the Ajna chakra.
- Cleanse and energize the right and left nostril mini chakras. These mini chakras are located at the lower side of the nostrils.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment three times a week for as long as necessary. If the patient is experiencing extreme discomfort, the treatment may be repeated twice or thrice a day.
15. Respiratory Ailments (Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Emphysema, etc.)
There are many types of respiratory ailments but their treatments are more or less the same. There are four major chakras involved. in treating the respiratory system: the ajna chakra, which controls and energizes the nose. The throat and secondary throat chakras, control and energizes the throat; the back heart chakra, controls and energizes the lungs and the heart; and the solar plexus chakra, controls and energizes the diaphragm.
- Clean the entire body by applying general sweeping two to three times.
- If the nose is affected, apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the Ajna chakra.
- If the throat, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras are affected, apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the throat and secondary throat chakras.
- Apply localized sweeping on the lungs and cleanse them on all sides thoroughly (front, side, and back). With emphysema, apply localized sweeping 100 times or more on the front, side, and back of each lung. If this is done properly, the patient may experience partial relief. Then apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front heart and back heart chakras.
- Energize the back heart chakra to energize the lungs and the heart. It is very important that the lungs and the back heart chakras should be sufficiently energized. If the instructions are followed thoroughly, the patient will be relieved immediately and the tightness on the chest area will be greatly reduced.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras.
- Some patients with respiratory ailments are quite debilitated. To strengthen and increase the energy level of the body, clean and energize the front and back solar plexus, navel, sex, and basic chakras. However, if the patient has a fever, do not energize the basic chakra because this may cause the body temperature to rise. Just apply localized sweeping and energizing on the hand and sole minor chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy,
- Apply pranic treatment twice to thrice a week until the patient fully recovers.
- For patients suffering from tuberculosis, repeat the treatment thrice a week for about five months or more depending upon the severity of the ailment.
- For patients suffering from emphysema, thorough cleansing of the lungs is very important. Treatment has to be repeated twice a day for the next few days. When there is a noticeable or substantial improvement, the frequency of the treatment can be reduced to once a day, then later to thrice a week for about a year or more.
- For patients who are suffering from pneumonia, repeat the treatment three to five times a day since the rates of pranic consumption and deterioration are fast. The patient should be closely monitored for the next several days by medical doctors and by pranic healers until the condition stabilizes.
16. Asthma
The treatment is divided into two parts; the first part deals with relieving the patient from asthmatic attack and greatly improving and healing the respiratory system; the second part deals with gradually removing the cause of the ailments.
- The outer, healthy, and inner auras of the patient are sometimes quite grey. It is advisable to apply general sweeping two to three times.
- Patients suffering from asthma have depleted throat and secondary throat minor chakras. The latter is located at the lower soft portion of the throat. Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the throat and secondary throat minor chakras, with emphasis on energizing.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the lungs (front, side, and back). To energize and strengthen the lungs, apply localized sweeping and energizing on the back heart chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping on the liver (front, side, and back) and the front and back solar plexus chakra. Energize the solar plexus chakra. By treating the throat, secondary throat, back heart, and solar plexus chakras, the patient will be relieved substantially.
- Also, treating the solar plexus chakra and the liver will gradually improve the quality of the blood produced since the liver detoxifies the blood.
- Asthmatic patients have malfunctioning Ajna and basic chakras. Clean and energize them. The basic chakra controls and energizes the bones and the quality of the blood produced.
- To further improve the quality of the blood, the bones in the body have to be cleansed and energized. Apply localized sweeping on the entire legs. Then apply localized sweeping and energizing on the sole minor chakras, while simultaneously visualizing white light or pranic energy going inside the bones of the legs.
- Apply also localized sweeping on the entire arms. Then apply localized sweeping and energizing on the hand minor chakras. You may simultaneously visualize white light or pranic energy going inside the bones of the arms.
- After energizing, be sure to always stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply the entire treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary until the patient is cured. In general, the treatment may take two or three months.
17. Hepatitis
Patients with hepatitis are quite depleted and have greyish inner, healthy, and outer auras. The inflamed liver, when seen clairvoyantly, is muddy red. The liver may be depleted and congested simultaneously. For example, the left part may be congested while the right part is depleted. The solar plexus chakra is quite depleted.
- Apply general sweeping three to five times.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the liver (front, side, and back) about 100 times or more. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras 50 to 100 times. Energize the front solar plexus chakra. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- For severe cases of infection, clean and energize gently the front and back spleen chakras. Observe the patient. In rare cases, he may get congested and may faint. Do not highly energize the spleen chakra if the patient has hypertension.
- To increase the energy level of the body and strengthen its defense system, clean and energize the navel, sex, and basic chakras, and the sole and hand minor chakras.
- If the patient has a fever, just apply localized sweeping on the basic chakra; do not energize it since this may cause the temperature to rise higher. When energizing the sole and hand minor chakras, you may visualize the pranic energy or white light going inside the bones.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply pranic treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary. This may take several months. For acute hepatitis, apply the treatment four or five times a day for the next several days. Patients with acute hepatitis should be closely monitored by medical doctors and certified pranic healers.
18. Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
- Scan the front and back solar plexus chakras and the upper abdominal area.
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakras thoroughly. Then energize the front solar plexus chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the affected part.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the navel chakra.
- Be sure to stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply pranic treatment twice or thrice a week until healing is complete.
19. Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoid manifests as pranic congestion on the anus minor chakras. The solar plexus and navel chakras are also affected. The anus minor chakra is located between the basic chakra and the anus. It is located slightly above the anus. Clairvoyantly, it is seen as muddy red.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the anus. The emphasis is on thorough sweeping.
- Apply localized sweeping on the upper and lower abdominal areas.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly and energizing on the front and back solar plexus, and navel chakras. Treating the solar plexus and navel chakras is very important since the large intestine and the anus are controlled and energized by these two major chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment two or three times a week for as long as necessary.
The patient may also use cold water to remove the diseased energy from the affected part. To facilitate the cleansing process, he may will or intend that the cold water is removing the diseased energy. The patient is also expected to maintain proper hygiene.
20. Chronic Appendicitis
- Cleanse and energize the front and back solar plexus and navel chakras and the appendix. The patient will usually be relieved immediately.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment twice a week for as long as necessary.
21. Frequent Urination
- Scan the patient thoroughly.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the sex, navel, solar plexus, and basic chakras. The emphasis of the treatment should be on the sex and navel chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment twice or thrice a week for as long as necessary.
22. Bed-wetting
For grown-up children who are still bed-wetting, apply the same treatment for “frequent urination.”
23. Enlarged Prostate Gland
- Apply localized sweeping on the perineum area. This can be done by visualizing the perineum of the patient in front of you and then applying sweeping on it 30 to 50 times.
- Apply the same treatment for “frequent urination.”
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary, Instruct the patient to practice sexual abstinence during the duration of the treatment.
24. Urinary Tract Infection
- Apply general sweeping two to three times.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly, 100 times or more, on the sex chakra, then energize it.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus, navel, and basic chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Usually, the patient may experience partial, if not instantaneous relief. The treatment may be repeated twice a day for the next few days.
25. Kidney and Bladder Infections
- Apply general sweeping twice or thrice.
- If the kidneys are infected, apply 100 sweepings or more on the affected kidney. The emphasis should be on sweeping the kidneys thoroughly. Sometimes, the ureter is also affected; therefore, it should also be cleansed thoroughly and then energized.
- Apply localized sweeping on the meng mein and basic chakras about 50 times each. Energize the kidneys directly without passing through the meng mein chakra.
- The kidneys of infants and small children should be energized slightly and gently because over-energizing the kidneys may cause the blood pressure to go up. After energizing the kidneys, some patients may complain of a slight headache.
- This may be due to the partial activation of the meng mein chakra which causes the blood pressure to go up slightly. Should this happen, apply localized sweeping 50 times or more on the meng mein chakra, and the head area until the patient is relieved.
- If the bladder is affected, clean and energize the sex chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly 50 times each on the front and back solar plexus chakras. Energize a little the front solar plexus chakra. However, do not highly energize it since this may cause the meng mein chakra to be overactivated, resulting in hypertension.
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back spleen chakras. Energize them gently. Observe the patient. In rare cases, he may get congested and may faint. If the spleen chakra is highly energized, the meng mein chakra may become overactivated and this may lead to hypertension.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply pranic treatment twice a day for the next few days until healing is complete. If the infection is acute, apply pranic treatment several times daily for the next several days.
- For infants, children, pregnant women, and very old patients, do not energize the meng mein chakra. Just energize the kidneys directly without passing through the meng mein chakra.
- Energizing or over-energizing the meng mein chakra of infants, children, and very old people may cause severe high blood pressure. The meng mein chakra and kidneys are connected to the navel chakra by a belt meridian.
- In some cases, the dirty diseased energy may be transferred from the kidneys to the lower abdominal area. Therefore, the patient may complain of abdominal pain instead of back pain.
26. Sexual Impotence
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the sex, navel, and basic chakra.
- If the ailment is psychological in origin, apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras.
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakras and then energize the back heart chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the crown chakra.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary.
- Do not apply this treatment to patients suffering from venereal diseases or who have had a history of venereal ailment.
27. Infertility
- Scan the surrounding sex area, the sex, navel, basic, throat, and Ajna chakras.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the sex, navel, and basic chakras. There is a minor chakra in each of the ovaries and testes; if they are affected, clean and energize them.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakras.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat, secondary throat, jaw minor and ajna Malfunctioning of any of these chakras will also cause the sex chakra to malfunction.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment twice or thrice a week for as long as necessary.
- Do not apply this treatment to patients suffering from or with a history of venereal disease.
28. Broken Bones
- Scan the affected part and the affected minor chakras. There are minor chakras on the armpits, elbows, hands, fingers, hips, knees, soles, and toes,
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the injured area. Energize it thoroughly for about 20 to 30 minutes. Clean and energize the nearest minor chakras. The emphasis should be on energizing.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the hand, elbow, and armpit minor chakras if the broken bone is in the arm. Apply localized sweeping on the sole, knee, and hip minor chakras, if the broken bone is in the leg.
- The healing process can be accelerated by cleansing and energizing the basic, sex, navel, and solar plexus chakras. The emphasis should be on the basic chakra because it controls and energizes the skeletal and muscular systems.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- You may repeat the treatment once or twice a day for the first few days. The emphasis of the treatment should be on the affected part and the basic chakra.
29. Arthritis and Rheumatism
- In severe cases of arthritis or rheumatism, the front and back solar plexus chakras, the liver, the navel, sex, and basic chakras are usually affected. They have to be cleansed and energized thoroughly.
- The perineum minor chakra is also affected, especially if the leg is affected. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the spleen chakra is also affected and has to be treated. With gout, the kidneys and the large intestine are also affected and have to be treated.
- For mild arthritis or rheumatism, just apply thorough sweeping and energizing on the affected parts. Repeat the treatment several times. In some cases, patients may feel relieved almost instantaneously.
For severe cases of arthritis:
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- Apply thoroughly localized sweeping and energizing on the affected parts.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the liver about 50 times (front, side, and back).
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras about 50 times. Energize the front solar plexus chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the abdominal area and navel chakra. Energize the navel chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the spine since it may be quite dirty.
- Apply thoroughly localized sweeping and energizing on the sex and basic chakras. It is important that the basic chakra be energized thoroughly since it controls and energizes the skeletal and muscular systems of the body.
- If the affected part is in the arm, the entire arm has to be cleaned. The armpit, elbow, and hand minor chakras have to be cleansed and energized.
- If the affected part is in the leg. The entire leg should be cleansed. The perineum, hip, knee, and sole minor chakras have to be cleansed and energized.
- Be sure to stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- k. Repeat the treatment thrice a week for about two months or more.
30. Osteoarthritis
- Scan the patient thoroughly.
- Apply general sweeping two to three times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the affected part until there is noticeable or substantial relief.
- If the pain is on the front knee, cleansing, and energizing have to be done not only on the front but also on the back of the knee, since the knee minor chakra is located in this area and is quite dirty.
- If the pain is in the elbow area, cleansing, and energizing have to be done not only on the front elbow but also on the back because the elbow chakra is located in this area and is quite dirty.
- If the affected part is on the hip, then the side of the hip should be treated since the hip minor chakra is located in this area.
- If the affected part is on the shoulder area the armpit has to be treated, since the armpit minor chakra is located in this area.
- h. If the affected part is on the leg area, apply thorough cleansing on the entire leg. Then apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the perineum, hip, knee, and sole minor chakras. Sometimes the pain may be experienced on the toes or on the ankles but the contributing cause may be on the hip and knee minor chakras since they may be quite dirty but not painful.
- If the affected part is on the arm area, apply thorough cleansing on the entire arm. Then apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the armpit, elbow, and hand minor chakras. Sometimes the pain may be experienced on the finger joints or on the wrist but the contributing cause may be on the armpit and elbow minor chakras, since they may be quite dirty, but not painful.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping on the spine.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the solar plexus, navel, sex, and basic chakras. These chakras are usually quite depleted. The emphasis should be on the basic chakra since it controls and energizes the skeletal and muscular systems.
- Be sure to stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week for about two months or for as long as necessary.
31. Gout
- Apply general sweeping two or three times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing alternately on the affected part until it is substantially relieved. The patient may experience a radical reaction or the pain may become intense if sweeping is not done sufficiently.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the upper and lower abdominal areas.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the basic, navel, and solar plexus chakras. These chakras are quite dirty and have to be strengthened. Also, by treating these chakras, the intestinal eliminative system will be improved.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the left and right kidneys to strengthen the kidneys. Do not energize the meng mein chakra,
- If the patient experiences a slight headache after the kidneys were energized, this means that the meng mein chakra has been partially activated, thereby increasing the blood pressure. Should this happen, apply more localized sweeping on the kidneys and the meng mein chakra.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Instruct the patient to watch his diet.
- Treatment may be repeated twice a day for the next several days.
- To minimize the possibility of recurrence, the basic, navel, and solar plexus chakras have to be cleansed and energized for about two months.
32. Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Apply general sweeping three or four times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing alternately on the affected part until the patient is partially relieved. This may take about 20-30 minutes.
- If the affected part is in the arm, the entire arm has to be cleaned. The hand, elbow, and armpit minor chakras have to be cleansed and energized.
- If the affected part is in the log, the entire leg should be cleansed. The perineum, hip, knee, and sole minor chakras have to be cleansed and energized.
- Since the spine is usually quite dirty, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on it.
- From the pranic healing viewpoint, rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the malfunctioning of the basic, and solar plexus chakras, liver, and spleen chakra. The navel chakra is also partially affected. Negative emotions, in the long run, affect adversely the solar plexus chakra and the liver; it is, therefore, advisable for the patient to avoid or minimize all forms of negative emotions.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the liver (front, side, and back). Then apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the front and back solar plexus chakras. Energize thoroughly the front solar plexus chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the basic, sex, navel, and spleen chakras. If the patient has hypertension or a history of hypertension, energize the spleen chakra a little to avoid causing the blood pressure to rise.
- The affected parts may be treated three to four times daily until the pain is substantially reduced.
- Repeat the entire treatment thrice a week, for about two to three months or for as long as necessary.
33. Scoliosis
Patients suffering from scoliosis usually have depleted basic chakra and congested solar plexus chakra.
- Apply general sweeping three times,
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the spine.
- The congested solar plexus chakra is partially blocking the flow of pranic energy from the basic chakra to the spine, Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakras.
- Rescan the front and back solar plexus chakras and see whether they are still congested. If necessary, apply more localized sweeping.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the basic chakra.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the navel and sex chakras.
- Apply also thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the affected parts.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary.
- Instruct the patient to swim regularly, if possible. Swimming has therapeutic effects on the spine.
34. Paralysis due to Stroke
- Scan the patient thoroughly.
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the head with emphasis on the affected part, Ajna, forehead, crown, and back head chakras. Localized sweeping should be done thoroughly before energizing; otherwise, the patient may experience discomfort or pain.
- Apply localized sweeping on the spine. If the right part of the body is affected, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the right side of the spine since it is depleted, and vice-versa, if the left part is affected.
- If the blood pressure is stable, apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic chakra to make the body strong and hasten the healing process. Do not energize the basic chakra if the blood pressure is high or unstable since this will aggravate the condition.
- Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the affected arm. Then apply localized sweeping and energizing on the armpit, elbow, and hand minor chakras.
- If the fingers are affected, then apply localized sweeping and energizing on them.
- Also, apply localized sweeping on the affected leg. Then apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the hip, knee, and sole minor chakras,
- If the throat is affected, apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat, secondary throat, and jaw minor chakras.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary. k. It is important that the patient should have regular physical therapy.
35. Ailments of the Endocrine Glands
- Scan the major chakras.
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the malfunctioning chakras. The ajna chakra should be treated. Be sure to stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- If the pancreas is affected, apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the solar plexus chakra (front and back). The energy is the back solar plexus chakra.
- If the thyroid glands are affected, apply localized sweeping and energizing thoroughly on the throat chakra. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week for as long as necessary. Instruct the patient to consult a specialist, and also a certified pranic healer.
Pregnant Women
Pregnant women should be energized slowly and gently. Overenergizing or intense and prolonged energizing should be avoided especially on the navel, sex, and basic chakras. Overenergizing any of these three chakras may adversely affect the unborn child.
- The meng mein chakra should not be energized by elementary and intermediate pranic healers since the meng mein chakra of pregnant women is overactivated.
- Pregnant women are, therefore, prone to hypertension. Highly energizing the meng mein chakra of a pregnant woman may cause the blood pressure to rise or the child to be stillborn.
36. Treatment for Pregnant Women who have difficulty giving birth
- Apply general sweeping.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing very gently on the navel and sex chakras to ease the labor and facilitate childbirth. This step may be repeated once every three to four hours but it has to be done gently,
- If the back is painful, apply localized sweeping on the lower back a few times. Do not energize the meng mein and basic chakras of a pregnant woman because it may affect the unborn child.
37. How to Hasten the Recovery of a Woman who has just given Birth
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic, perineum, sex, navel, and solar plexus chakras. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment twice a day for about five days. The patient should show remarkable improvement in two or three days.
38. How to Prevent a Miscarriage
- Women who have had miscarriages have depleted sex, navel, and basic chakras. This treatment is applicable to patients who are not pregnant but have a history of miscarriage.
- Apply general sweeping.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the sex, basic, navel, and solar plexus chakras. Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Apply localized swooping and energizing on the throat chakra and ajna chakra.
- Repeat the treatment twice a week for about two months.
39. Pregnant Patients who have a History of Miscarriage and are Experiencing Abdominal Pain
- Scan the patient thoroughly.
- Apply general sweeping.
- Apply sweeping very gently on the navel, sex, and basic chakras as well as on the abdominal area.
- Energize the navel and sex chakras very gently and slightly only.
- Repeat the treatment several times if necessary.
40. Treating Patients Before and After Undergoing Surgery
For minor surgery:
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the part that will be operated. This is to minimize or reduce bleeding.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the solar plexus, navel, sex, and basic chakras. This is to strengthen the body before the operation.
- After the surgery, apply localized sweeping and energizing on the operated area, solar plexus, navel, sex, and basic chakras. This is to facilitate the healing process,
- Repeat the treatment.
For major surgery:
- Apply general sweeping several times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic, sex, navel, and solar plexus chakras to strengthen the body.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the part that will be operated and its corresponding chakra. This is to strengthen it and to minimize or reduce bleeding. Treating the nearby chakras will also be helpful.
- This treatment can be applied immediately before the operation or several days or weeks before.
- After the operation, repeat steps for the next several days or weeks to facilitate the healing process.
41. Relieving Cancer Patients
The energy body of a cancer patient is quite dirty and depleted, but the affected part or parts are very congested. It is in this area where there is pranic congestion that cancer cells thrive. The rapid growth of cells requires a lot of pranic energy. The objective of the treatment is to relieve the patient from the agonizing pain and to reduce the spread and growth of cancer cells by starving them of pranic energy.
- Apply general sweeping five times. This is to clean the energy body of the patient which is very dirty.
- Apply localized sweeping on the affected parts 300 to 500 times. As explained earlier, the affected parts are quite congested and a few strokes of sweeping are not enough.
- Rescan the affected parts. Apply more localized sweeping if needed.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping about 100 times or more each on the front and back solar plexus, meng mein, perineum, and basic chakras. They are also affected and must be cleansed thoroughly. Do not energize them since, if they become overenergized, the growth rate of the cancer will increase.
- It is important for the healer to wash his hands regularly with water and salt while applying localized sweeping since the diseased energy is quite sticky and itchy. If this is not followed, the hands may develop arthritis of the fingers.
- Repeat the treatment at least once a day for as long as necessary or, if possible, for the rest of the patient’s life.
- Instruct the patient to avoid meat, fish, egg, cheese, and spicy foods because they can aggravate his condition. This is very important.
- After cleansing the patient thoroughly, instruct him to rest under a big healthy tree or on clean ground (make sure that there is no septic tank underneath) for about 20 minutes or more. This is to partially energize the patient.
- He should not try to consciously draw in pranic energy from the tree or the ground to avoid possible absorption of too much pranic energy which may aggravate his condition. Sea water or salty water has very good cleansing effects.
- If the patient lives near the sea, you may instruct him to take a swim every day for at least 20 minutes as an alternative to pranic treatment. After swimming, the patient may rest under a shaded tree and absorb pranic energy from the surroundings. This should be done when the sun is not too hot in order to avoid pranic congestion.
- If step i is not possible, the patient can take a bath. water and salt for about 15 to 20 minutes every day for the rest of his life, if possible, Lavender oil can be added to the water and salt bath. Lavender oil helps in cleansing and normalizing the affected chakras.
- The temperature of the water should be maintained at about 39-40 degrees centigrade. This is important because if the temperature is too low, the body may become weaker, and if it is too high, the cancer cells may spread faster.
- All forms of anger, resentment, and other negative emotions should be avoided. They can cause an imbalance in the solar plexus, meng mein, and basic chakras.
42. Reducing the Rate of Aging (Old Age)
You will notice that the spine of older people tends to curve downwards, their legs become weak and many or most of them tend to have arthritis. Also, they tend to fall asleep during meetings or discussions.
- These are due to the depiction and or malfunctioning of the major chakras, especially the basic chakra which controls and energizes the muscular and skeletal systems, the spine, the blood, and the general vitality of a person. Therefore, the basic chakra should be treated regularly.
- The following technique can be applied regularly to make older people stronger and more alert, to enable them to live a better and fuller life and also to reduce their tendency to develop arthritis or rheumatism. It can also be applied to young or middle-aged people to reduce the rate of aging.
- Apply general sweeping two to three times.
- Apply localized sweeping on the liver, kidneys, the meng mein chakra, and spleen chakra. The meng mein and spleen chakras should preferably not be energized by elementary and intermediate pranic healers. If the chakras are overenergized, the patient may become severely congested or may develop high blood pressure.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the basic, sex, navel, front, and back solar plexus chakras,
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakras. Then energize the back heart chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat, Ajna, forehead, crown, and back head chakras.
- Stabilize the projected pranic energy.
- Repeat the treatment once or twice a week indefinitely.
- Do not apply this treatment to patients suffering from or with a history of venereal disease or those with tumors, leukemia, or hypertension. The proper treatments for these ailments are given in advanced pranic healing.
- Repeat the treatment for as long as necessary. This is very effective when applied properly.
43. Stress or Tension
Stress or tension manifests as malfunctioning of the solar plexus chakra. The health rays are partially affected and are clairvoyantly seen as wavy instead of straight. The outer aura is slightly grayish.
- Apply general sweeping three times.
- Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakras, with more emphasis on localized sweeping. Rescan and apply more sweeping if they are still congested.
- Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakras. Energize the back heart chakra.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the crown, ajna, throat, and basic chakras.
- Repeat the treatment thrice a week or more for as long as necessary.
- For more severe cases, repeat the treatment several times a day for as long as necessary.
What to do if you are not sure (for difficult cases)
- Apply general sweeping several times.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the affected parts or organs.
- Apply localized sweeping on all the vital organs.
- Apply localized sweeping and energizing on all the major chakras; except the spleen and meng main chakras. Apply localized sweeping on the meng mein and spleen chakras, but do not energize them.
- Repeat the treatment regularly.
Generally, these procedures can be used for many types of ailments, but not for patients suffering from cancer, leukemia, and venereal diseases. Instruct the patient to see a medical doctor immediately, and also a certified pranic healer.
Principle Of Lag Time
The principle of lag time means that the rate of healing of the energy body is much faster than that of the visible physical body. Therefore, in some cases, the patient may not experience immediate relief or cure because the visible physical body heals at a slower pace than the energy body.
- For example, even though the heart area has been thoroughly cleansed and energized and looks quite bright, a patient may claim that he has experienced only very slight immediate relief after the pranic treatment.
- He may, however, experience substantial relief and improvement after a few hours or after a day or two. This delay or lag time in relief or cure is especially common in more severe cases. The degree of delay or lag time will depend on the degree of damage, the age, the physical condition, and the receptivity of the patient.
How long does it take to Completely Cure a Patient?
The length of time required to completely cure a patient depends on several factors: the frequency of treatment, the age, and the physical condition of the patient. The patient’s degree of receptivity, the presence of intervening or casual factors which cause the delay of or prevent healing from manifesting, the degree of damage, the nature of the ailment, the skill of the pranic healer,
- The degree of cooperation from the patient and, in some cases, the use of other forms of healing or treatment to complement pranic healing. As stated earlier, the approach to healing should be integrated or holistic.
- The rate of relief for simple and severe ailments may range from a few minutes to a few days. Generally, the time it takes to permanently cure a simple ailment using pranic healing alone ranges from a few minutes to a few days.
- For chronic or more severe ailments, it may range from a few days to a few months. In some cases, the cure is even dramatic or “miraculous.” However, not all ailments and not all patients can be cured.
- For simple cases, relief usually means a complete cure, while for severe ailments, it means that the patient is partially healed and relieved. This does not mean that the patient is completely healed but is in the process of being cured. Please take note of this.
Immediate Recurrence Of Pain Or Symptoms
- Several factors may contribute to the immediate recurrence of the symptoms after pranic treatment.
- Localized sweeping was not applied and energizing was not done sufficiently. Since the part to be treated was not cleansed, fresh prana had difficulty penetrating fully into the part being treated.
- It is like trying to put fresh water on a sponge filled with dirty water. This can be done by using a lot of pranas and projecting them with a stronger force.
- However, there is the risk of a radical reaction which will cause more temporary discomfort to the patient. It would be a lot easier if the dirty water is removed first from the sponge before pouring fresh water on it.
- General sweeping was not applied on the patient who has holes in the outer aura; therefore, prana continues to leak out, causing again pranic depletion on the treated part.
- The projected prana was not stabilized, causing it to simply escape or leak out from the body.
- A disposal unit was not used, and thus, the diseased energy is still connected to the patient’s energy body. If the patient is not sufficiently energized, it may cause the diseased energy to be drawn back. And if the patient tries to recall or keeps recalling his ailment, the diseased energy will most likely be attracted again to his energy body.
- The healer is too attached or too anxious about the result. Because of this, the projected prana was not released or only partially released and it returned to the healer.
- The patient is suffering from a severe type of disease that consumes prana at a very fast rate or the prana projected was not sufficient. The patient should, therefore, be treated more frequently.
Reasons Why Some Patients Are Not Healed
- All of the preceding factors that may contribute to the immediate recurrence of pain or symptoms after pranic treatment (See pages 205-206) may also be the contributing factors to why patients do not get well.
- The patient may not be receiving the right pranic treatment because of improper scanning. For instance, difficulty in moving the arm could be caused by pranic congestion on the heart and the solar plexus chakras or by pranic congestion on the meng mein chakra, So just treating the arm will give temporary relief but not a permanent result.
- Energizing and frequency of pranic treatment are not sufficient. This is like giving medication of insufficient. dosage and at insufficient intervals.
- Certain ailments require other forms of treatment. Examples are ailments caused by malnourishment and improper diet.
- The patient is simply too old and too weak or too sickly. For certain unexplained factors, some aged patients just do not retain a large portion of the projected prana. This does not mean, however, that very old or very sickly patients should be ignored. On the contrary, they should be given proper care and treatment.
- The disease is of karmic origin and the right time for complete healing has not yet arrived. The patient perhaps has not yet learned the lesson that he is supposed to learn.
Personal Health Problems That A Healer May Encounter
1. Some healers may experience pain in their finger joints, hands, or arms. This is due to the absorption of diseased. energy or diseased etheric matter from the patients.
- This can be avoided by immediately washing the hands and arms after general and localized sweeping and also after energizing.
- In the long run, not washing the hands and arms immediately will result in regular partial absorption. of diseased energy, resulting in turn in arthritis of the fingers. The healer may use salt and water to wash his hands and arms.
2. Some healers may experience the symptoms or the ailments of their patients. This is due to the full absorption of the diseased energy into the system of the healer traceable to, first, not washing the hands and arms after healing and, second, not using the disposal unit when treating patients.
- Some of the diseased energy may have been absorbed by the legs from the surrounding area. It is advisable to take a shower after treating a lot of patients in one session to clean the entire body. The healer should wash his entire body with salt or with salty water.
- This process has cleansing effects on the entire body and the healer will feel his body becoming lighter.
3. Some healers may become sick with infectious diseases. This can be avoided by refraining from healing when feeling low, intense anger or irritation, and after having an emotional outburst.
- These negative emotions cause temporary pranic depletion, drooping of the health rays, and punctures on the outer aura.
- It is also advisable to wash the hands and arms with germicidal soap right after treating a patient with an infectious disease to protect not only the healer but also the next patient.
4. The healer may become too tired or depleted after treating a patient or several patients due to several factors:
- The healer energizes intensely and at a very fast rate. The amount of prana projected is much more than the amount of prana drawn in or the rate of projecting prana is much faster than the rate of drawing in prana.
- This can be avoided by being patient and not in a hurry. Hoal your patients slowly and gradually. There are some healers whose energy levels are very high. Their inner aura is about ten motors thick and very dense. They absorb or draw in a tremendous amount of prana at a very fast rate.
- Some healers are born with a very high energy level while others attain this through disciplined esoteric training. Following a certain lifestyle such as being a vegetarian most of the time, having a moderate sex life, living a well-regulated emotional life, and possessing a clear, prudent but decisive mind.
- And doing plenty of regular physical exercises (especially tai chi and yogic exercises) will, in the long run, result in good health and a very high energy level.
- Through clairvoyant investigation, it has been observed that vegetarians usually have more refined energy bodies and brighter and denser inner auras. However, although it is advantageous, it is not necessary to become a full vegetarian.
- Pork has to be strictly avoided by pranic healers since the energy of pork is very dirty. The healer continues “energizing” his patients subconsciously.
- This can be avoided by visualizing the cord between him and his patient as being cut off after the treatment. The healer is closely surrounded by his patients and they tend to draw in prana from the healer subconsciously, thereby causing the healer to become depleted.
- This can be remedied by keeping a certain distance from the waiting patients. It is advisable for the healer to take regular vacations to recharge his body.
Avoid Using Too Much Will In Healing
It has been observed by the author that as a healer practices pranic healing for quite some time, a healer consequently develops a stronger “willpower”. Therefore, he will have the tendency to use too much “will” in healing which tends to overwhelm the cells, thereby slowing down the rate of healing. On the other hand, when a healer regulates the “will” in healing and instead impregnates the projected pranic energy with loving-kindness, it has been observed that the rate of healing is faster and the projected pranic energy is easily assimilated by the body.
Rate Of Vibration Of The Energy Body
The rate of vibration of the energy body varies from person to person. If the energy body of the healer has a higher rate of vibration than that of the patient, the patient will feel light and may experience a pleasant feeling that is quite difficult to describe.
- If the energy body of the healer has a much lower rate of vibration than that of the patient, the patient may feel heaviness and discomfort, and sometimes pain. The energy body of the healer is usually more refined than that of the patient.
- Heavy smokers have coarser energy bodies. The energy body of a heavy smoker is filled with dirty brown spots. This brownish material partially clogs the nadis or meridians and, therefore, negatively affects the health of the smoker.
- The brown spots are located not only in the lungs but also in other parts of the energy body: they cause lung diseases and other ailments.
- When a healer with a more refined energy body is contaminated by a heavy smoker who has accidentally touched him, the healer will feel stickiness, heaviness, and pain in the area being touched.
- It is very important that the healer should be a non-smoker or should give up smoking because, instead of becoming better, the patient might become worse, especially if the part being treated is quite delicate.
- To fully appreciate what the author has just stated, ask a heavy smoker to energize your arm and observe what happens. Of course, the author does not make any moral judgment on smokers.
- He is just pointing out the negative effects of smoking on the body. And in the case of a pranic healer, smoking has possible harmful effects on the patient.
- However, the author knows of a few healers who smoke lightly but have not reported any negative experiences with their patients. Still, it is better to avoid unnecessary risks.
- Just imagine what will happen to the patient if some dirty, brownish matter is accidentally transferred to the eyes or the heart of the patient.
- Sometimes the patient may feel slight pain and heaviness on the part being energized if the healer is tired and had an emotionally strenuous day. The healer should rest and resume healing the next day or until he feels better.
- On rare occasions, the patient may have a very refined energy body or the rate of vibration of his energy body may be much higher than that of the healer.
- Such a patient, if treated by a healer whose energy body is coarser, would only experience more discomfort. Ho should be treated by a healer whose energy body is as refined or more refined than that of the patient.
- As a healer continues to practice healing, his energy body is gradually being cleansed and refined. His inner aura becomes brighter and denser. He becomes a more powerful healer.
Popularizing Pranic Healing
Great benefits can be obtained by popularizing and adopting pranic healing to help and alleviate the suffering of sick people. This can be accomplished by translating this work on pranic healing into different major languages.
- To further disseminate and encourage the practice of pranic healing, a Pranic Healers’ Association can be established in each country and in each major city. Workshops on pranic healing should also be conducted regularly to train people in this method.
- It is further recommended that the Ministry or Department of Health or the corresponding government agency of every country should investigate the effectiveness of pranic healing and if found effective.
- Adopt it as a complementary and economical form of treatment in government hospitals and clinics. Doctors and nurses will find it advantageous to learn and practice pranic healing.
- Since it can help them become more effective in their work. It is extremely beneficial if at least one person in every family knows pranic healing since it can be used as a “pranic first aid” to treat simple and difficult ailments when the need arises.
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