Meditation On Twin Hearts
Without leaving the house, one may know all there is in heaven and earth. Without peeping from the window, one may see the ways of heaven. Those who go out learn less and less the more they travel.
Table of Contents
Wherefore does the sage know all without going anywhere, see all without looking, do nothing, and yet achieve (the Goal)!
Read And Learn More: The Ancient Science And Art Of Pranic Healing
Illumination Technique Or Meditation On Twin Hearts
Illumination technique or Meditation on Twin Hearts is a technique aimed at achieving cosmic consciousness or illumination. It is also a form of service to the world because the world is harmonized to a certain degree through the blessing of the entire earth with lovingkindness.
- Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some of the major chakras are entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness.
- To achieve illumination or cosmic consciousness, it is necessary to sufficiently activate the crown chakra. The Twin Hearts refer to the heart chakra which is the center of the emotional heart and the crown chakra which is the center of the divine heart.
- When the crown chakra is sufficiently activated, its 12 inner petals open and turn upward like a golden cup, golden crown, golden lotus, or golden flower to receive spiritual energy which is distributed to other parts of the body.
- It is also symbolized as the Holy Grail. The crown worn by kings and queens is but a poor replica or symbol of the indescribable resplendent crown chakra of a spiritually developed person.
- The golden crown which is rotating very fast appears as a brilliant flame of light on top of one’s head. This is symbolized by the meter worn by the pope, cardinals, and bishops.
- When the crown chakra is highly activated, a halo is produced around the head. This is why saints of different religions have a halo around their heads. Since there are different degrees of spiritual development, the size and brightness of the halo also vary.
- When a person does Meditation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows down to the practitioner filling him with divine light, love, and power. The practitioner becomes a channel of this divine energy.
- In Taoist Yoga, this divine energy is called “heaven ki”. In Kaballah, this is called the “pillar of light”, referring to what clairvoyants literally see as a pillar of light.
- The Indian yogis call this pillar of light the spiritual bridge of light or “antakharana”. The Christians call this the “descent of the Holy Spirit” which is symbolized by a pillar of light with a descending dove.
- In Christian art, this is shown in pictures of Jesus or the saints having a pillar of white light on top of their heads with a descending white dove. This is to symbolize the coming down of the divine energy.
- In Christian tradition, this is called the descent of the Holy Spirit; in Taolst Yoga, the descent of the Heaven ki or energy; in Kabbalistic tradition, the pillar of light; in Indian Yoga, the spiritual bridge of light or antakharana.
- Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite some time may experience being enveloped by dazzling.
sometimes blinding, light or his head filled with dazzling light.
- This has been a common experience among advanced yogis and saints of all religions. If you study the holy scriptures of different religions, you will notice the similarity in their experiences.
- The crown chakra can only be sufficiently activated. The heart chakra is a replica of the crown chakra. When you look at the heart chakra, it looks like the inner chakra of the crown chakra which has 12 golden petals.
- The heart chakra is the lower correspondence of the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the center of illumination and divine love or oneness with all. The heart chakra is the center of higher emotions.
- It is the center for compassion, joy, affection, consideration, mercy, and other refined emotions. It is only by developing the higher refined emotions that one can possibly experience divine love.
- To explain what is divine love and illumination to an ordinary person is just like trying to explain what color is to a blind man. There are many ways of activating the heart and crown chakras.
- You can use physical movements or hatha yoga, yogic breathing techniques, mantras or words of power, and visualization techniques. All of these techniques are effective but are not fast enough.
- One of the most effective and fastest ways to activate those chakras is to do Meditation on Loving-Kindness or bless the whole earth with loving-kindness.
- By using the heart and crown chakras in blessing the earth with loving-kindness, they become channels for spiritual energies, thereby becoming activated in the process. By blessing the earth with loving-kindness, you are doing a form of world service.
- And by blessing the earth with loving-kindness you are in turn, blessed many times. It is in the blessing that you are blessed. It is in giving that you receive. This is the law!
- A person with a sufficiently activated crown chakra does not necessarily achieve illumination for he has yet to learn how to use the activated crown chakra. This is just like having a sophisticated computer but not knowing how to operate it.
- Once the crown chakra has been sufficiently activated, then you have to do meditation on the light, on the mantra om or amen, and on the intervals between the oms or amens. Intense concentration should be focused not only on the mantra om or amen but especially on the interval between the two oms or amens.
It is by concentrating on the light and the interval (moment of stillness or silence) between the two oms or amens that illumination or samadhi is achieved!
- In yoga, there is a common saying that if the water is turbulent, it is difficult to see what is under it. If the water is calm, one can easily see what is under the water. Likewise, when the mind and the emotions are chaotic, self-realization is not possible.
- When the mind and the emotions are still, however, it is possible to achieve what Indian yogis call “self-realization,” or what is known in Buddhism as “becoming aware of one’s true nature’ or “illumination” in the Christian religion.
- With most people, the other chakras are quite activated. The basic chakra, sex chakra, and solar plexus chakra are activated in practically all persons. Their instincts for self-survival, sex drive, and their tendency to react with their lower emotions are very active.
- With the pervasiveness of modern education and work that requires also the use of the mental faculty, the ajna chakra and the throat chakra are developed in a lot of people. The heart chakra and the crown chakra, however, are not developed in most people.
- Modern education, unfortunately, tends to over-emphasize the development of the throat chakra and the ajna chakra or the development of the concrete mind and the abstract mind.
- The development of the heart has been neglected. Because of this, you may encounter a person who is quite intelligent but very abrasive. This type of person has not yet matured emotionally or has a heart chakra that is quite underdeveloped.
- Although he is intelligent and may be “successful”, his human relationships may be very poor, hardly has any friend, and may have no family.
- By practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts, a person becomes harmoniously balanced.
This means that the major chakras are more or less balanced and developed.
- Whether the abstract and concrete mind will be used constructively or destructively depends upon the development of the heart chakra.
- When the solar plexus chakra is overdeveloped and the heart chakra is underdeveloped or when the lower emotions are active and the higher emotions are underdeveloped, then the mind would likely be used destructively.
- Without the development of the heart in most people, world peace will not be possible. This is why the development of the heart should be emphasized in the educational system.
- Persons below 18 years old should not practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts since their bodies cannot yet withstand too much subtle energies. Doing so may even manifest as physical paralysis in the long run. However, there are exceptions to this rule.
- There are many highly evolved souls who have incarnated and whose bodies are now in the adolescent stage. These advanced adolescents have big chakras and can start doing Meditation on Twin Hearts at the age of 14 or 15, but their condition should be monitored to avoid unnecessary problems.
- Persons with a heart ailment, hypertension, or glaucoma should also not practice Meditation on Twin Hearts since it may worsen their condition.
- It is important that persons who intend to practice regularly Meditation on Twin Hearts should practice self-purification or character-building through daily inner reflection.
- Meditation on Twin Hearts not only activates the heart chakra and the crown chakra but also the other chakras. Because of this, both the positive and negative characteristics of the practitioner will be magnified or activated.
This can easily be verified by the practitioner himself and through clairvoyant observation. For those who intend to practice Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly, the following will have to be avoided;
- Eating pork, eel, and or catfish
- Smoking
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks
- Addictive and hallucinogenic drugs
Eating pork, eel, and or catfish while doing this meditation regularly may result in kundalini syndrome. Pork oil or lard should definitely be avoided. Kundalini syndrome may manifest as:
- Chronic fatigue (or chronic extreme general weakness)
- Overheating of the body
- Chronic insomnia
- Depression
- Skin rashes
- Hypertension and others
Heavy smokers may experience chest pain while doing Meditation on Twin Hearts since their front and back heart chakras are dirty.
- There is also the possibility of developing hypertension if one smokes regularly. Therefore, smoking has to be avoided if a person intends to do this meditation on a regular basis.
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks and the use of addictive and hallucinogenic drugs have to be avoided also because they make the energy body dirty. Meditating with a dirty energy body will cause pranic congestion.
How To Activate The Heart Chakra And The Crown Chakra
- Cleansing the Etheric Body through Physical Exercise.
Do physical exercises for about five minutes to cleanse and energize your etheric body.
- By exercising, light greyish matter or used-up prana is expelled from the etheric body. It also minimizes possible pranic congestion since Meditation on Twin Hearts generates a lot of subtle energies in the etheric body.
- Sometimes when a spiritual aspirant meditates, he may experience unusual physical movements for a limited period of time. This is quite normal since the energy channels are being cleansed.
2. Invocation for Divine Blessing.
You can make your own invocation. Here is one example the author usually uses:
To the Supreme God,
Thank you for Your Divine Blessings!
For guidance, help, protection, and illumination!
With thanks and in full faith!
To my spiritual teachers.
To the holy angels, spiritual helpers,
and all the great ones.
Thank you for your divine blessings!
For guidance, help, protection, and illumination!
With thanks and in full faith!
Invoking the blessing of Divine Providence and one’s spiritual guide is very important. Every serious spiritual aspirant usually has a spiritual guide(s), whether he is consciously aware of them or not. The invocation is required for one’s guidance, help, and protection. Without the invocation, the practice of any advanced meditational technique can be dangerous.
3. Activating the Heart Chakra by Blessing the Entire Earth with Loving-Kindness
- Press your front heart chakra with your finger for a few seconds. This is to make concentration on the front heart chakra easier. Concentrate on the front heart chakra and bless the earth with loving-kindness. When blessed, you may visualize the earth as very small in front of you.
- Blessing the earth should not be done mechanically but with feelings. You may use the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi in blessing the earth:
To the Supreme God,
Make me an instrument of your peace.
(Feel the inner peace and bless the earth with peace)
Where there Is hatred, let me sow love.
(Feel the divine love. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine love and bless the earth with love.)
Where there is injury, pardon.
(Feel the spirit of reconciliation and bless the earth with the spirit of reconciliation, understanding, harmony, and peace.)
Where there is despair, hope; doubt, faith.
(Feel the divine hope and faith, and bless the earth with hope and faith. Bless people who are having a difficult time with hope and faith.)
Where there is darkness, light; sadness, and joy.
(Allow yourself to be a channel of divine light and joy. Bless the earth with divine light and joy. Bless people who are sad and in pain with divine light and joy.)
- When blessing, feel and appreciate the implications of each phase. You may also use visualization. When blessing the earth with lovingkindness, visualize the aura of the earth becoming dazzling golden pink.
- This blessing can be directed to a nation or a group of nations. Do not direct this blessing to specific infants, children, or persons during the main meditation because they might be overwhelmed by the intense energy generated by the meditation.
- Infants, children, or other persons can be blessed after releasing excess energy. This is safe. Do not overdo this blessing at the start.
- Some may even feel a slight pranic congestion around the heart area. This is because your etheric body is not sufficiently clean. Apply localized sweeping to remove the congestion.
4. Activating the Crown Chakra by Blessing the Earth with Loving-Kindness.
- Press the crown with your finger for several seconds to facilitate concentration on the crown chakra and bless the entire earth with loving-kindness.
- When the crown chakra is sufficiently opened, some of you will feel something blooming on top of the head and some will also feel a certain pressure on the crown. The following blessing may be used:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed
with loving-kindness
(Feel loving-kindness. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine love and kindness and share these with the whole earth.)
Let the entire earth be blessed
with great joy and happiness.
(Feel the joy and happiness and share these with the entire earth. Visualize people with heavy, difficult problems smiling, their hearts filled with joy and happiness. Visualize their problems becoming lighter and their faces lightening up.)
from the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.
(Allow yourself to be a channel of understanding, harmony, and peace. Visualize people or nations that are on the verge of fighting or are fighting reconciling and living in harmony with each other. Visualize people putting down their arms, shaking hands, and embracing each other.)
Let the entire earth be blessed with goodwill and the will to do good.
(Imagine people not only filled with good intentions, not only talking about doing something good but actually carrying out these good intentions. This is the meaning of the “will to do. good.”)
5. Meditating and Blessing the Earth with Loving-kindness through the Heart and Crown Chakras simultaneously.
- After the crown chakra has been activated, concentrate simultaneously on the crown and heart chakras, and bless the earth with loving- kindness for a few minutes.
- This will align both chakras, thereby making the blessing much more potent. Imagine the small earth in front of you. You may use this blessing:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person,
and every being be blessed with divine love and kindness.
(Feel the divine love and divine oneness and share these with every person and every being.)
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed with warmth, caring, and tenderness.
sweet, loving feeling and share it with the whole.
(Feel the divine love and kindness and share these with the whole earth, every person, and every being.)
(Feel the earth.)
From the center of the heart of God.
Let the entire earth, every person,
and every being be blessed with healing. inner beauty, divine bliss, and
divine oneness.
(Feel the divine bliss and divine oneness and share these with every person and every being.)
6. Achieving Illumination:
- Meditating on the Light, on the Mantra Om or Amen, and the Interval between the Two Oms or Amens. Gently imagine a brilliant white light or golden light on the crown. Feel the quality of the energy emitted by the light. Feel the inner peace, stillness, and bliss emanating from the light. Be aware of the light, the inner stillness, and the bliss for a few minutes. Gently and silently chant the mantra “Om” or “Amen”.
- Meditate simultaneously on the light and the mantra. When meditating on the interval between the two oms or amens, simultaneously be aware of the light, the stillness, and the bliss. Continue with the meditation for about 10 minutes.
- Do not be frightened if you experience an inner explosion of light in the head area. When you are able to be aware simultaneously of the point of light and the interval between the two oms, you will experience this.
- Your entire being will be filled with light! You will have your first glimpse of illumination and first experience of divine ecstasy.
- To experience Buddhic consciousness or illumination is to experience and understand what Jesus meant when he said the following: “If thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light” and “For behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you”.
- If you feel like your arc is being pulled out of the body or you are moving inside a tunnel, just allow the experience to unfold on its own until you experience oneness with the light.
- Should you experience pervasive darkness or The Great Void, this is good. This is simply a transition between ordinary consciousness and the expansion of consciousness.
- Just relax and be calm. Invoke for the blessing of the Supreme God and your spiritual teachers to bring you to a higher level of consciousness.
- For some people, it may take years before they can experience an initial glimpse of illumination or Buddhic consciousness.
For others, it may take only months, while for some, only weeks.
- In a few cases, they achieve initial expansion of consciousness on the first few tries. This is usually done with the help of the Guru. When doing this meditation, the aspirant should be neutral.
- He should not be obsessed with results or filled with too much. expectations. Otherwise, he will be actually meditating on the expectations or the expected results rather than on the point of light, the Om, and the interval between the two oms.
7. Releasing Excess Energy.
- After the meditation, release the excess energy by blessing the earth with light, loving-kindness, peace, and prosperity for several minutes until you feel your body is normalized.
- You may bless specific persons or your family and friends after releasing the excess energy. Otherwise, the etheric body will become congested and the meditator will experience headaches and chest pains.
- The visible body will deteriorate in the long run because of too much energy. Other esoteric schools release the excess energy by visualizing the chakras projecting out the excess energy and the chakras becoming smaller and dimmer. However, this approach does not utilize the excess energy productively.
8. Giving Thanks.
- After meditation, always give thanks to the Divine Providence and to your spiritual guides for divine blessings.
9. Further Release of Excess Energy and Strengthening the Body through Massage and More Physical Exercises.
- Shake the body 30 times, massage the different body parts, then do physical exercises for a few minutes.
- This is to further release the excess energy, expel more used-up prana from the body and thus, cleanse and strengthen the visible body.
- This will also facilitate the assimilation of the pranic and spiritual energies, thereby enhancing the beauty and health of the practitioner. Massaging and exercising after meditation also reduced the possibility of pranic congestion in certain parts of the body.
- This may lead to illness. You can also gradually cure yourself of some ailments by doing exercises after doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts. It is very important to exercise after meditation; otherwise, the visible physical body will inevitably weaken.
- Although the etheric body will become very bright and strong, the visible physical body will become weak because it will not be able to withstand the leftover energy generated by meditation in the long run. You have to experience this yourself to fully appreciate it.
- Some have the tendency not to do physical exercises after meditation but continue savoring the blissful state. This tendency should be overcome; otherwise, one’s physical health will deteriorate in the long run.
- After the physical exercises, stand with your legs shoulder width apart and your knees bent. Be aware of the soles of the feet.
Project your consciousness down deep into the earth and bless the earth by silently saying:
Let Mother Earth be blessed with
divine light, love, and power.
Let Mother Earth be regenerated.
I am rooted and connected to Mother Earth.
This will bring your consciousness down to the physical body. It will enable the meditator to deal with the affairs of daily life and earn a decent living. Many spiritual practitioners have problems maintaining their practicality because they are not rooted or grounded.
- The instructions may seem quite long but the meditation is short, simple, and very effective! It requires only about 30 minutes excluding the required time for the physical exercises.
- There are many degrees of illumination. The art of “intuiting” or “direct synthetic knowing” requires constant meditation for a long duration of time.
- Blessing the earth with loving-kindness can be done by a group as a form of world service. When it is done for this purpose, bless the earth with loving-kindness through the heart chakra first, then the crown chakra, and finally through both chakras.
- Release the excess energy after the end of the meditation. The blessing can be directed not only to the entire earth but also to a specific nation or a group of nations.
- The potency of the blessing is increased many times when it is done as a group rather than individually. Another way of blessing the earth with loving-kindness as a group is through daily radio broadcasts at an appropriate time with some or most of the listeners participating.
- Just as pranic healing can “miraculously” cure simple and severe ailments, the Meditation on Twin Hearts, when practiced by a large number of people, can also miraculously heal the entire earth, thereby making the earth more harmonious and peaceful.
- This message is directed to readers with sufficient maturity and the will to do good.
Increasing Ones Healing Power
When a person practices Meditation on Twin Hearts daily or regularly, his major chakras and auras will increase in size, making his energy body stronger and more dynamic.
It has been observed by the author that pranic healers can heal patients very fast after doing Meditation on Twin Hearts. The healing results are just simply amazing.
You may perform this simple experiment to verify the validity. of what has been stated:
- Ask somebody who is proficient in this meditation or has been practicing this meditation for at least about two or three weeks to perform this experiment with you.
- Scan his major chakras, inner and outer auras before doing the meditation,
- While the person is meditating, wait for about three minutes before scanning his major chakras, inner and outer auras. Note the difference in their sixes before and during the meditation.
When scanning the auras, gradually move five meters or more away from the subject and try to feel his energy body. You may feel a tingling or mild sensation on your hands and fingers.
- Others may feel some sort of mild electrical current or sensation. Several hours after meditation, the chakras and the inner aura will gradually reduce in size; however, they are still bigger than their former sizes.
- If this meditation is practiced daily for about a year or longer, the size of each chakra and the inner aura will increase substantially because of the cumulative effects of regular meditation.
- A healer with big chakras and an inner aura is powerful and can heal most minor ailments very quickly and almost instantaneously. A proficient intermediate pranic healer should have an inner aura of at least one meter in radius and an advanced pranic healer.
- About five meters or more, A powerful master pranic healer can have an inner aura of at least several hundred meters in radius.
- A person with big chakras and inner aura is just like a big pump while a person with smaller chakras and inner aura is just like a mini pump. So, it is very advantageous to practice this meditation daily or regularly.
- Having a powerful and dynamic energy body not only enhances one’s healing powers but also increases one’s effectiveness and productivity in his work.
- Having taught many students and met all kinds of people, the author has observed that successful people and top executives have usually bigger chakras about five or six inches or more, and an inner aura of about one or more meters.
- A person who has a magnetic personality or great charisma usually has bigger chakras and inner aura than ordinary people and tends to have a strong influence over most people.
- Furthermore, a person who regularly meditates becomes more intuitive and intelligent. When he is faced with a problem, he will have the increased ability to see directly through the problem and find the right or proper solutions.
Arhatic Yoga
There are other meditation techniques more advanced than Meditation on Twin Hearts. One of these is Arhatic Yoga which is only for a chosen few. Arhatic Yoga is called the “yoga of synthesis”.
- It deals with the activation of the chakras, and awakening of the kundalini through a safe and systematic method. One of the common and serious mistakes among esoteric practitioners is to try to awaken the kundalini in order to activate the chakras.
- A truly advanced yogi or chi kung practitioner is aware of the necessity of purifying oneself and substantially activating the chakras first before awakening the kundalini.
- Otherwise, serious pranic congestion will occur if too much kundalini energy goes to the relatively underactive chakras which are still small in size, resulting in serious physical ailments or discomforts.
- Hence, the practice of artistic yoga should preferably be under the guidance of an advanced guru or master.
Character Building The Five Virtues
Pranic healers are supposed to be models for patients and their communities. As such, the development of the virtues is very important:
1. Loving kindness and Non-injury:
Loving-kindness and non-injury simply mean the absence of cruelty. Loving kindness may be expressed physically, verbally, and mentally. Being polite, courteous, and helpful are acts of loving-kindness.
- Verbally, you can say words that are nurturing and encouraging. People are just like plants that need to be nurtured to bloom and grow.
- For instance, you can show appreciation or give recognition for the achievements of a person. In this way, he is inspired to become better. Mentally, loving-kindness means blessing other people. In pranic healing, loving-kindness means healing a patient, even if the patient cannot afford to pay. It is healing others out of kindness and compassion.
- Non-injury is refraining from hurting other people physically, verbally, and psychically. On a physical level, non-injury means “Thou shalt not kill” or hurt other people out of anger or malice.
- The practice of harmlessness towards other creatures is also very important. Sometimes, however, a person may have to take the life of an animal to provide food for his family.
- The act of killing should not involve any cruelty, malice, or enjoyment in seeing the animal suffer. Termination of rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and insects is permissible for hygienic reasons.
- Verbal injury is avoiding the use of harsh or injurious words which often take a longer time to heal than physical injury. A physical wound takes only one or two weeks to heal but the wounds caused by a tactless or malicious remark can take years to heal.
- If ever they do get healed at all. Therefore, watch your words so that they do not hurt others. If you have to criticize another person, do it with love and softness.
- In other words, criticize with a heart. You will notice that this is more effective because the person will be more receptive. On a more subtle level, non-injury means minimizing or abstaining from excessive mental criticism.
Avoid enviousness also. In other words, one should strive to practice mental harmlessness.
- A person may not be physically and verbally injurious but in his mind, he is always criticizing the faults and defects of other people.
- This does not mean that you should not be aware of the flaws or weaknesses of another person but there is no reason why you should dwell on his negative qualities 10 or 20 times a day for 365 days a year.
- When you do this, you create a negative image of the other person, thus making his progress more difficult. By being constantly critical, you prevent him from changing, even if he wants to change.
- Repeated mental criticism can, therefore, obstruct development. It will not help but will just delay the progress of another person. Before criticizing, one should realize that almost nobody is perfect and that it takes time to change and progress.
- Spiritual development implies a process and process implies time. In pranic healing, non-injury means not misusing one’s psychic powers.
- Loving kindness and non-injury are necessary for proper and harmonious interhuman relationships. If everybody practices them, the world would be a better place to stay.
2. Generosity and Non-stealing:
Generosity means sharing or giving. On the physical level, it means sharing or giving money wisely. The key to the property is in giving. Donating a part of your income to spiritual and charitable institutions is a physical act of generosity.
- It has been observed that patients who give generously to the healer usually recover very fast from their ailments. This is because by giving, they are entitled to receive the healing energy.
- Therefore, when a patient gives generously, his capacity to receive and assimilate the healing energy is greatly increased, thereby accelerating the healing process.
- The author has observed that in many instances, just paying a powerful pranic healer in advance will cause partial or complete healing even before the pranic treatment is consciously done.
- Blessing the earth is also a form of generosity. On an emotional level, you can be generous by being warm, nurturing, and supportive. Mentally, you can share knowledge and skills to people who are ready and willing to learn.
- You will notice that your understanding of a certain subject becomes deeper when you do this.
This is because you do not master a subject until you start teaching it.
- Non-stealing means that a person should not take anything that does not belong to him. On the level of relationships, one should not steal affection or cover the spouse of another. It also means, on a more subtle level, that one should not steal the merit or credit that is due to other people.
- In pranic healing, non-stealing means that the healer must heal the patient very thoroughly if the healer has been properly paid in advance or will be paid later.
- It also means that the patient should properly compensate the pranic healer for the great healing benefit that has been received.
- In some instances, underpaying or not paying the healer, even if one has the financial capacity to do so, will result in a very slow healing rate or no healing at all.
3. Honesty and Non-laying:
- Honesty should be practiced in such a way that it will not harm or injure others.
- One should not use honesty or frankness as a tool or weapon to cause emotional pain or injury.
- Honesty should not be used out of malice. This is misusing the virtue of honesty. If there is a conflict between the virtue of honesty and the virtues of kindness and non-injury, the virtues of kindness and non-injury should prevail over honesty.
- Non-lying means that one should not make untrue or false statements out of malice or with the intent to take advantage of other people.
4. Industriousness and Non-laziness:
- In pranic healing, industriousness means studying pranic healing books thoroughly.
- It also means practicing different pranic healing techniques regularly so that one becomes very skillful. It also means healing the patient thoroughly. Industriousness also implies a strong sense of responsibility.
- If one is given a certain task to do, one has to perform it properly and completely. It also means non-procrastinating. Another term for industriousness is “constancy of aim and effort”.
- The constancy of aim and effort and non-laziness is the key to success and spiritual development.
5. Moderation and Non-excessiveness:
- It is important that one should avoid extreme or excessive behavior and practice moderation. In pranic healing, healing and helping a lot of people is very good but not to the point of exhausting one’s self.
- To do this five or six days a week is definitely excessive and bad for the health. There are healers who have become very sick or have died at a young age due to this type of excessiveness.
- A healer can be more useful to society for a longer period of time by practicing moderation in healing. Having sex is good but one should practice moderation and non-excessiveness.
- Too much sex for a prolonged period of time will cause a dramatic decrease in one’s healing power. Financially, it means that one should avoid excessive and wasteful spending.
- If possible, one should save and invest 20% to 30% of one’s net earnings after tax and tithing. This is one of the keys to prosperity.
Character Building The Five Virtues Suggested Schedule
Inner reflection and firm resolution: One should try to master one virtue at a time. Preferably, one should try to practice and concentrate on one virtue for about two months. Mediffite on what you have done the whole day in relation to virtue. Be aware of the good things you have done. This will develop your self-esteem. At the same time, be aware of your mistakes.
- This is called inner reflection. Mentally erase the negative event and imagine you are doing the right thing at least five times. This is called firm resolution.
- The mechanism behind this is that repeated wholesome thought manifests as wholesome action. Repeated wholesome action will in the long run manifest as virtue. One should intensively practice inner reflection and firm resolution for at least two years.
- That is why the major problem is not the pupil, but the educator, our own hearts and minds must be cleansed if we are to be capable of educating others.
- Without a change of heart, without goodwill, without the inward transformation which is born of self-awareness, there can be no peace, no happiness for men -J, Krishnamurti.
- Education and the Significance of Life, Love always draws forth what is best in child and man. Enlightenment is the major goal of education Education in the New Age – Alice Bailey,
The Lord Buddha has said:
- Let us inspect our thoughts that we do no unwholesome deed; for as we sow, so shall we reap. Hatreds never cease by hatreds in this world. By love alone, they cease. This is an ancient law.
- Goodwill towards all beings is the true religion; cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill to all that lives. Go and do your duty; show kindness to thy brothers and free them from suffering.
The Lord Christ has said
- So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit. Thus, by their fruit, you will know them.
- Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you, and Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
- This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. Go and heal the sick.
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