Describe The Superficial Palmar Arch Under The Following Heads
1. Superficial Palmar Arch,
2. Superficial Palmar Arch Location,
3. Superficial Palmar Arch Formation,
4. Superficial Palmar Arch Relations,
5. Superficial Palmar Arch Branches, and
6. Superficial Palmar Arch Applied Anatomy.
Superficial Palmar Arch Introduction:
It is the arterial arch, formed superficial to all the structures in the palm. It is compared with a circle of Willis present at the base of the brain and plantar arterial arch in the foot.
1. Superficial Palmar Arch:
It may be complete.
Read And Learn More: Anatomy Notes And Important Question And Answers
2. Superficial Palmar Arch Location:
It is situated in the distal part of the palm and corresponds to the distal palmar crease.
3. Superficial Palmar Arch Formation:
1. It is formed on the medial side of the hand as a continuation of the ulnar artery.
2. On the lateral side, it is completed by one of the following arteries.
- Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery,
- Arteria radialis indices: Artery of index finger (branch of radial artery),
- Arteria princeps pollicis: Artery of thumb (branch of radial artery), and
- Median artery (branch of the anterior interosseous artery which is a branch of the common interosseous artery—ulnar artery).
4. Superficial Palmar Arch Relations:
1. Anterior
- Palmaris brevis, and
- Palmar aponeurosis.
2. Posterior:
- Flexor digitorum superficialis,
- Flexor digitorum profundus,
- Lumbricals,
- Flexor digiti minimi, and
- Digital branches of median nerve.
5. Superficial Palmar Arch Branches:
There are 4 digital branches that supply medial 3 1/2 fingers. Out of these 4 digital branches, lateral 3 digital branches are connected with the deep palmar arch by the palmar metacarpal arteries.
6. Superficial Palmar Arch Applied anatomy:
It is one of the important anastomotic channels for the efficient blood supply of the palm. It is important in case of blockage of the radial or ulnar artery.
Branches Of Deep Palmar Arch
- From convexity-3 palmar metacarpal arteries
- From concavity—recurrent branch
- Dorsally-3 perforating digital arteries.
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