Acupressure Therapy And Practice
From the study of these first two chapters, you must have come to know that the greatest wonder in this cosmos is the human body. Our body is well equipped with the best, most automatic, delicate but the most powerful machines-Heart and Lungs-a non-stop pumping set.
Read And Learn More: Health In Your Hands Acupressure And Natural Therapies
- Eyes- a wonderful camera-cum-projector system; Ears an astounding sound Stomach-a wonderful chemical laboratory; Nerves-miles of communication system. Brain-an un- paralleled computer with infinite capacity.
- And the greatest thing about it is the unbelievable coordination of all these machines so that this body can easily work for over a hundred years or so.
- It is well known that in any good machine, provision is made whereby it automatically stops when there is a danger and restarts when you push its switch. Example refrigerator and hot water geyser. It is not surprising that such a provision is made in the human body also.
- It is true that the system of our body is very intricate. But to maintain it is easy. Nature has provided in our body an ‘inbuilt mechanism’ to maintain these machines and to repair them if need be.
- This science of health which makes use of this inbuilt mechanism is popularly known as Acupressure. This therapy is the most precious gift to mankind from the Creator Himself.
- Acupressure therapy was known in India even 5000 years ago. (Sushrut Samhita) Unfortunately, it was not preserved properly and went to Ceylon in the form of Acupuncture.
- From Ceylon, this therapy was taken to China and Japan by Buddhist monks or nomadic Aryas took it there and at present China is teaching Acupuncture to the world.
- This therapy was known to Red Indians (nomadic Aryas who settled in the U.S.A.) way back in the sixteenth century. In the twentieth century, research has been made in the U.S.A. which has contributed greatly to the development of this therapy.
- It is practiced by many Allopathic and Naturopathic doctors there. Now the World Health Organization too has paid attention to this simple and easy therapy.
- The word ‘acupressure’ is related to ‘acupuncture ‘Acu’ means a needle and ‘puncture’ means to ‘pierce Acupuncture means the art of treating diseases by piercing specific points in the body.
- Acupressure means the art of treating diseases by applying pressure on specific points with the help of one’s thumb or unpointed things.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Principle:
As mentioned our body consists of five basic elements:
These five elements are controlled by the Electricity of the body known in the West as Bio-Electricity. The current of electricity, ‘Chetana’, comes from this non-changeable Life Battery. This battery has been installed in our body at the time of conception.
- The white dazzling light generated by this battery can be seen in the middle of the forehead with eyes closed, through certain Yogic methods. Many people, including myself, have seen this light.
- Out of this battery, electric current (”) passes in the body through the lines shown. These lines known as ‘Meridians’ start from the tip of each finger of the right hand, go all over the body, and end in the toes of the right leg and so also on the left side.
Now so long as this current of electricity flows properly in the body, the body remains fit and healthy. If for any reason this current does not reach any part of the body, there is malfunctioning of that part accompanied by pain in some cases.
Pressure Points
- Brain
- Mental Nerves
- Pituitary Gland
- Pineal
- Head Nerves
- Throat
- Neck
- Thyroid and Parathyroid
- Spine
- Piles
- Prostate
- Penis
- Vagina
- Testes and Ovaries
- Uterus
- Lymph glands (front) and Lower lumbar (back)
- Hip and Knee
- Bladder Intestines
- Colon
- Appendix
- Gall Bladder
- Liver
- Shoulder
- Pancreas
- Kidney
- Stomach
- Adrenal
- Solar Plexus
- Lungs
- Ear
- Energy
- Nerves and Ear
- Cold and Nerves
- Eyes
- Heart
- Spleen
- Thymus
If not attended to in time, it may invite illness. So, if the current is properly sent to the affected part, the pain, if any would subside and the disease or malfunctioning of that part would be cured.
Thus Acupressure is the Science of Nature that teaches us to cure diseases through the inbuilt mechanism of the body-the technique of how to send the current to all the desired parts of the body.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Mechanism (Working):
According to Acupuncture, Shiatsu, or Pointed Pressure Therapy, there are about 900 points all over the body on these meridians shown. Puncturing is done or pressure is applied on these points to cure illness or pain or to create an anesthetic effect.
However, this requires a good deal of study and skill and so, a layman cannot do it. However, Acupressure treatment is so simple and easy that any layman-even a child of ten years-can learn and practice it.
The switchboard of the electric current flowing in our body is located in the two palms and soles. You will see the location of the different switch points.
In these figures, you will find the names of the organs and endocrine glands to which these switch points are connected. Most of the organs and endocrine glands are in the right or the left side of the body and so their corresponding points are on the right or the left palms and soles.
However, as the Heart and the Spleen are on the left side of the body, their corresponding points are only on the left palm and sole. In the same way, the Liver, Gall Bladder, and Appendix are on the right side of the body and so their corresponding switches are only on the right palm and sole.
We are familiar with almost all the organs mentioned here except Solar Plexus and energy, which require a special mention and hence are explained in detail below:
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Solar Plexus:
This is also known as ‘Nabhi Chakra’-(‘f’) the controlling center for all the organs below the diaphragm. This concept of ‘Nabhi Chakra’ is not found in any other therapies except in ‘Ayurved’, the Indian Medical Science of Life.
This proves that this therapy originated in India. For disturbances in all the organs below the diaphragm, it is necessary to apply pressure treatment to this.
Methods to confirm whether the Solar Plexus is in order or not:
- In the morning, on an empty stomach, when you lie down on a hard surface on your back, and if you press your finger or thumb in the navel, you will feel a throbbing sound just like that of the heart. That means the system is ok.
- The distance between the right nipple and navel and the left nipple and navel will be equal when Solar Plexus is in order. Otherwise, by measuring the distances, you can find out whether the center has shifted upward or downward.
- Lie down on your back. Keep the arms (hands) straight on your sides. Keep your legs straight and your toes upright. The two big toes must be level. If they are not, it indicates a disturbance in the Solar Plexus.
- Join the two palms as per shown below and match lines 1, 2, 3, and 4. These lines will match with each other if the Solar Plexus is in order. If the Solar Plexus has shifted, lines No.4 and 3 will not match.
This center shifts upward or downward when excess weight is lifted or when there is severe gas trouble. In such cases, the throbbing will not be noticed in the center of the navel, but it will be noticed somewhere around the navel.
The upward shifting of the Solar Plexus leads to constipation and downward shifting brings more motions every time when there is pressure. This cannot be cured by drugs. And when these problems persist, they can damage the digestive system and may require an operation.
It may even lead to Cancer. One of the causes of Cancer of the Colon (the lower and greater part of the large intestine) is chronic constipation. In such cases, it has been found that this Solar Plexus has moved upwards.
It is, therefore, advisable to check the position of Solar Plexus before starting any treatment. Solar Plexus is like the mainspring of a watch. Unless it is set right treatment may not give the desired results.
Methods to bring the Solar Plexus to order:
It is to be done only on an empty stomach in the morning or 3 to 4 hours after meals.
1. By pushing the throbbing towards the center of the navel.
2. By putting weight on the navel and trying to press it towards the center.
3. Lie down on your back, keep your arms straight on the sides. Ask someone to apply pressure on the knees, more pressure on the knee of the leg of which the big toe is at a lower level. And if necessary, ask another person to hold the two big toes in hand and try to pull up the big toe which is lower. Repeat this action if both toes have not come to level.
4. By putting up a small oil lamp/candle on the navel (a coin or something can be kept on the navel as a base to hold the candle), cover it with a metal glass, and hold it for a minute. The air inside will burn out and a vacuum will be created.
This vacuum will bring the Solar Plexus to the center. Then lift the glass from one side after one minute. Repeat this three to four times till the throbbing is felt at the center.
5. Lie down on your back, keep the arms on the sides and the head on the ground without a pillow. Lift both the legs and bring them up to 90° from the ground as shown in the figure. After this, bring the legs as slowly as possible on the ground keeping the legs straight and without lifting the head from the ground. Repeat the same five to six times and feel the throbbing.
6. Lie down on your back, exhale the breath. Now, inflate the stomach and maintain that position as long as you can. Repeat it till Solar Plexus comes in order.
7. As per press intermittently the points of Solar Plexus in both the palms-not only on the front side but also on the backside of that point. After half a minute, verify whether the Solar Plexus has come in order.
Otherwise, the following method can also be tried:
8. Keep the right palm vertically on the joint of the elbow of the left hand and touch the left shoulder with the thumb jerk. Repeat till it touches the shoulder. Same way, do it with the right hand and verify as per the figure.
- Whenever the complaint about constipation or loose motions continues, first check up on the Solar Plexus and correct it, if necessary. Same way, for any problem of any other organ below Diaphram, please check up Solar Plexus and correct it.
- “A patient was suffering from Hiatus Hernia. He has advised an operation. His solar plexus was corrected; within 2 days his trouble disappeared.” “A lady Doctor, a Gynaecologist, was suffering from pain in Abdomen for many years. Her Solar Plexus was corrected and then she became alright.”
- “A young girl, could not retain any food or even drink, she would vomit it out. She was kept in a leading Hospital in Bombay for 21 days. No diagnosis was made. The complaint continued and developed into acute colic pains; at that time she would toss from side to side on a double bed.
- The root cause was found in the disturbance of the Solar Plexus. It was corrected, and she stopped vomiting. She was put on green juices and fruit juices. Within a week she became normal.”
- “A patient was advised to operation on the colon because of a long-term problem of fistula. Only 3 days before the date of the operation he consulted an Acupressurist. His Solar Plexus was corrected. And recovery was so fast that operation was not necessary.”
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Energy:
When you feel tired or have passed sleepless nights, you will feel pain on the point, which means recharging is not done properly. It is essential at such a time to give treatment on that point and drink lukewarm water, preferably Health Drink.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Webs:
Over and above all these points, it is necessary to apply pressure on the webs, the-large one is situated between the thumb and the first finger and the small ones are between the fingers. And so also between the toes. These webs are the starting points for the nerves and so pressure should be applied to these points daily.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Method of pressure:
According to this therapy, pressure is to be applied on and around all points on the two palms and soles only. That will send the current to the corresponding organs and activate them.
For example, when you press shown on the thumb, the current will flow to the brain. When you press deeper on the point of any of the endocrine glands which are called the controllers of all organs.
The current is sent there and it corrects the function of that particular gland i.e. if the gland is functioning less efficiently, it will be activated and normalised. However, if it is working more vigorously, it will reduce its activity and bring it to normal.
Thus simply by applying pressure on the points of the endocrine glands, we are able to control these most vital glands. Pressure can be applied by pressing with the thumb or the first finger on the point or with an unsharpened pencil etc.
By massaging that point and around it clockwise. The pressure is to be applied intermittently like pumping and continued pressure is to be avoided. This action is to be repeated for 1 to 2 minutes.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice How much pressure is to be applied:
The pressure to be applied should be just enough for you to be able to feel it. However, on all the points of the endocrine glands. viz.
which are situated in the middle of the body, and deeper pressure is to be applied. This can be done with the vertical thumb as shown or with an unsharpened pencil or a wooden stick as shown. Except on these points of endocrine glands, pressure is to be applied on all other points by keeping the thumb horizontal.
Acupressure Therapy And Practice Body-its subdivisions:
Our body is divided into two parts the right side and the left side. For anything wrong with the organs or parts on the right side of the body, treatment is to be given on the corresponding points of the palm of the right hand or the sole of the right foot, and vice versa on the left side.
Further. the body is subdivided into front and back. For the Spine, Nerves, Back, Lower Lumbago, Sciatic Nerves, and Hips, pressure is to be applied on the back of the palms and soles. But for all other organs and endocrine glands, the pressure is to be applied on the palms or soles.
Body-its subdivisions Duration:
For the treatment of any disease or organ, pressure is to be applied for 1 to 2 minutes and this is to be repeated three times a day. The treatment should be continued till the pain on that point subsides.
Threefold benefits of Acupressure:
- Acupressure helps in three ways:
- Prevention of diseases
- Early and correct Diagnosis of diseases
- Cure of diseases.
1. How to maintain good health:
You will observe that all the points on the palms are up to 1 inch below the wrist. So without bothering about where different points are situated, you should start pressing from one inch from the wrist and slowly press the full palm and all the fingers on both the front and backside.
- By pressing both the palms or soles for five minutes each, you will cover all the points-thus stimulating all the organs of the body. It is like the complete alignment of the car.
- And when all the organs are properly stimulated and working properly, you will feel more agile and energetic and can maintain good health. Remember that continuous pressure is not to be applied but only intermittent pressure like pumping is to be applied as mentioned above.
For children under 10:
For maintaining general good health and physical development of children below 10, pressure is to be applied on each palm and sole for 2 to 3 minutes.
Prevention of Sickness or Disease:
- This is a very unique feature of this therapy. When you press all the points of either palms or soles daily for about 10 minutes, all the organs are activated and recharged like a battery cell, and all the endocrine glands are normalized.
- The net result of this is that all the organs and glands of the body get properly aligned and function properly, as a result of which health is maintained and the possibility of any type of disease, including that of Cancer, is greatly reduced.
2. Wonderful way of Diagnosis-Medical Check-ups:
By taking this treatment (pressing all the points daily for 10 minutes) you not only maintain good health but also get a Free Medical Check-Up. It may so happen that when you pressed all the points yesterday, there was no pain at any point; it means that you were in good health.
- But today when you press all the points, you may find some pain inside or around some point; that means there is something wrong with the organ connected with that point. And this disturbance has developed in the body during the last 24 hours.
- Any pain or disease of any organ or part of the body is reflected in the corresponding points of the palms or soles. That is why this therapy is also called ‘Reflexology’. When you find the pain, it can be said in the language of electricity that the ‘Fuse’ has gone from only that part.
- That part would be found tender, so when you press, the part below that point, it hurts. Thus you become your Own Doctor and can diagnose the disease instantly without any cost or laboratory tests.
- It is possible that for the first two days, you may not get any response from your points because up till now you have not used them. However, from the third day, you will start getting a response.
- It is most important for any medical practitioner to have the correct diagnosis of the problem of the patient before proceeding with the cure. The correct diagnosis is possible only when the root cause is found.
- It will be observed that apart from physical checking, it is necessary for the doctors to have a urine report, blood report, X’ray, cardiograms, sonography, brain scanning, etc. before the diagnosis. That is a lengthy and costly procedure that most of the patients cannot afford.
- Because of the rapid scientific progress, the training necessary to master the techniques of diagnosis has become long and expensive. In Ayurvedic, Acupuncture, and Unani systems, for example, diagnosis can be made by expert thorough knowledge of Nadis (s), and such its study takes more than six to ten years.
In Homeopathy, a prolonged session with patients is necessary and so very few patients can be attended to even by an experienced Homeopath.
- While, treatment under Nature cure is a lengthy one and there also the naturopaths in most cases do not go to the root cause, they try to purify the body and leave the work of cure to awakened and enriched Chetna.
- However, according to Acupressure, the switchboard of this Bio-Electricity is in two palms and soles of the legs. In the figs. 39 to 40, you will see the various points connected with their respective corresponding organs of the body.
- It is further observed that so long as this flow of bio-electricity-life current is reaching all the organs properly, there will be NO PAIN on these points when pressed. You will all be surprised to note that acupressure is the only therapy that prevents disease. and helps a person maintain good health.
- In order to achieve this, you simply have to press the full palm or sole slowly for 5 minutes and the other palm or sole for 5 minutes and when over 40 years for two minutes in the one-inch circle in the middle of the right forearm.
- Thus by simply pressing both the palms or soles like pumping in ten minutes, you are recharging all the vital organs-it is like servicing or realigning a car. When all the vital organs are working normally, the possibility of a disease become very remote.
- Thus just by simply pressing your two palms or soles for 5-5 minutes each, every day, you not only prevent any disease but enjoy good health. “Free Medical Check-Up. At the same time, you also get a free medical check-up of the complete body.
- Owing to overworking of these organs or due to some other cause, when an organ is damaged; carbon dioxide or toxin gathers around that organ, and when pressed on the connecting point of the organ either in the palm or in the sole of the legs; you will feel pain.
This pain is unpleasant and totally different from the experience of pressure given at that point. And at that time, there will be a flicker, in the eyes of the patient. So even without any information from the patient or without any tests, the diagnosis can be made just by giving pressure on different points located in the palms or soles.
- It will be interesting for you, to know that I have been challenged on several occasions to diagnose the problems without being given any background or case history of the patient. I will quote in this regard only one incidence.
- Mr. Narain Dutt Tiwari, former Union Minister of India for Finance and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, one of the biggest states in India; called me to his hotel at Santacruz Airport. His wife Mrs.
- Tiwari is a qualified Allopathic Gynec doctor. She asked me to examine Mr. Narayan Dutt Tiwari and diagnose his problems. One by one, I pressed the different points of the palms. Within 2 minutes I told her about the improper working of five different organs.
- Then when I told her that her husband was suffering from piles and had long-rooted constipation. she nearly jumped up, duly amazed. I told her that the Solar Plexus of Mr. Tiwari was not in order.
- He was asked to lie down and it was found that the level of the big two toes was not equal-right big toe was more than one inch higher than the left big toe. It was immediately corrected.
- Mr. Tiwari was asked to give pressure on his chin to remove constipation and according to information received later, within a week his complaint of piles was completely cured-due to proper diagnosis and correct treatment by Acupressure.
- Thus you will observe that pain at any point on the palms or soles when pressed is a clear indication of some problem connected with that organ. The body is ‘divided into right and left.
- So any problem connected with the right side of the body will be reflected on the points on the right palm or sole and vice versa. Further, the points of our body are subdivided into front and back.
- All the organs situated in the front of the body Example eyes, heart, stomach, etc, are situated on the palms or in the soles, and the points connected with the organs on the back are situated at the back of the palms or on the upper side of the soles Example spinal cord, etc.
It may be interesting to observe that a diagnosis made this way is so accurate that on several occasions, I had to challenge the diagnosis made with X-rays and Sonography. I shall quote three instances.
1. “An athlete was prescribed operation on the spinal cord following a few X’rays examinations. He approached me and I told him that as there is no pain on Point No.9 of the spinal cord, there is no damage to the spinal cord, and operation is not necessary.
And the root cause of his severe back pain was found in the damage to his Sciatica Nerve, he was taught how to take treatment with this ‘Do it yourself therapy’, and within 10 days he was alright.”
2. “A gentleman was suffering from jaundice, according to diagnosis on the basis of X-rays and Sonography, he was told that there was a stone obstruction in his Gall Bladder and operation was necessary. I was called three days prior to the operation.
- After examining the patient in three minutes; I told him that there is nothing wrong with the Gall Bladder. The liver was damaged and the stone was near the kidney. His heart was in a sound condition, so if he so desired operation can be done.
- He was operated upon and his Gall Bladder was removed and on even minute bisection, no stone was found. After 4 hours of operation, the patient was put under X-rays, and the stone was found near the kidney.
- They continued, the operation for 8 hours and the stone was removed. Luckily, the heart condition of the patient was good and so he survived.”
3. “A patient was told on the basis of an X-rays examination that he had Cancer in the mouth and operation was necessary. When called to the Hospital, after not even 2 minutes of examination, I said that there was no Cancer but soreness in the throat. The doctor insisted on an operation only to find that there was no Cancer.”
- Thus you will observe that without any instruments or costly tests, an exact diagnosis is possible with this Nature’s Health Science of Acupressure. When a patient comes to you, the very first thing you may do is to press of Thyroid-parathyroid, if there is no pain there, the problem is a minor one.
- Because if there is a continued problem in the body for more than 8 or 10 days, this point of the Thyroid is first to be disturbed and when pressed, there will be pain. In such a case, you can go on pressing various other points as per the patient’s complaints.
- Many a time, it is observed that young men never disclose their sex problems. Similarly, ladies in India also feel shy in discussing their problems about menses, sex, etc. Therefore even by pressing on sex glands, these problems can be diagnosed.
- Now, I will tell you about the exactness of this diagnosis. I was invited by an eye specialist to his residence. He asked me to examine his 27-year-old son.
- After examining the palms, I told him that there was a tonsil on his right side and only reddishness on the left of his throat. A doctor called for a torch and a spoon, examined the throat of his son, and admitted that my diagnosis was perfectly correct.
The wonderful part of this diagnosis is that the patient can find out his problem. One gentleman had pain in his chest. He feared a Heart attack. Cardiogram was taken in the hospital and as there was no irregularity, he was discharged after 4 days.
- Later on, every time he had pain in his chest; he would call for a doctor, get his cardiogram and be satisfied to confirm that it was normal. He was presented with my book. Afterward, whenever he had any chest pain, he would examine his heart and would be relieved of anxiety in a minute on observing no pain at that point.
- During one year alone he saved over one thousand dollars and a great amount of relief. You will be surprised to know that the dreaded disease of Cancer can be detected only in two minutes.
- In Cancer detection centers or hospitals, such Cancer can be detected only when it has developed more than 40%. While with this method such a problem can be detected even if it is hardly 5%. Moreover, the exact location of the Cancer can be found.
- I was asked by a lady to tell me her problem. After examining her palms, I was forced to tell her just in two minutes that she had Cancer in her right breast. She then admitted having got her right breast operated on for Cancer.
- I told her that Cancer was not totally cured and it had started affecting the liver. She started Acupressure treatments, got cured within 6 weeks and even after 6 years, she enjoys good health. This type of diagnosis is very useful in the case of children, as they are not able to tell the problem or explain their problems.
- Just by pressing on different points in the soles the exact root cause can be found because while you are pressing the soles, the child will cry out or take away the sole when any point is paining. Later on, the child can be given this treatment along with bio-chemic medicines.
- Thus with the help of Acupressure, a perfect diagnosis can be made. The patient is not concerned to know the name of his disease because there are thousands of names for such diseases. But all diseases are connected with these vital organs of the body.
And Acupressure can diagnose which organ is damaged. After the diagnosis is made, in the treatment of most of the diseases, the patient can use this therapy and get cured.
- However, in the case of chronic and serious diseases, two or three therapies-Homeopathy, Ayurved. Chromotherapy Naturopathy etc. can be combined to bring faster relief to the patient.
- “A lady on the basis of X’ray and other tests was put on Dialysis-3 times a week. Later on, she was told that both kidneys have almost failed and she is required to have a transplantation of her kidney. It would cost her rupees 3,00,000 or about 20,000.00 US dollars. She got scared and came to me.
- A thorough examination was made and in five minutes, I told her that there was a minor trouble in the kidneys and can be cured within 15 days. The root cause of her problem was Cancer in the uterus. She was then asked to take treatment at home.
- Within 15 days all the swellings were gone and she passed clear urine quite frequently. She became energetic and with a further treatment of 30 days, she was cured.”
That is why when the patient comes to you, please do not be carried away by what the patients say. - Get your hints from the symptoms narrated to you and just think about the root cause and within a minute you will be able to locate the exact root cause. In the case of the common cold, tonsilitis, sinusitis, asthma, etc. many times the root cause is cold due to Heat.
- In such cases you will observe that Point No.28 of Adrenal when pressed would be paining-Common cold is often misunderstood and it is surprised by drugs (creating more heat in the body); there is a temporary relief, but as soon as the body becomes healthy.
- It tries to throw out excess water from the system and is again diagnosed as a case of common cold. When such a phenomenon continues, it is declared as an allergy-the patient becomes a chronic case of sinus, tonsilitis, allergy, and sometimes asthma.
- Later on, such patients get arthritis, rheumatism, etc. In all cases, it is surprising to observe that the lungs of the patient are clear in the beginning, and only after a continued chronic cold, is sometimes affected and this develops into asthma.
- “A lady had asthma for 20 years. On examination, her Adrenal was found damaged. As such she was put on treatment for cold due to heat.
- In the beginning, the cold increased; she continued treatment, and along with the same she took 2 or 3 glasses of lukewarm gold or silver or copper-charged water, and to her own surprise she got rid of this chronic problem in 40 days only.”
This method of diagnosis is a very unique feature of this therapy. It helps you to locate a developing disease even before its outward symptoms appear.
- For example, if you have eaten or drunk anything which contained germs of jaundice, the liver gets damaged and within 48 hours or less, you can find that the point related to the liver (Point No.23) is hurting. Now, jaundice is traced in blood after 4 days and in urine after 5 to 7 days.
- An early diagnosis of any disease is always the most important factor for its cure. You come to know what is wrong with you without any tests and can thus cure the disease at the earliest before it worsens in the body. Such early detection is possible also for Cancer which is most necessary in controlling it.
3. Cure:
As laymen, we are not much interested in knowing the name of the disease. We are more interested in getting rid of it once we diagnose it by the above method. The cure is very simple.
- After you have pressed your palms or soles for 10 minutes as a daily routine and located the points where it hurts, you apply pressure like pumping for 2 minutes at a time only on the points where it pains. Repeat this treatment 3 times in 24 hours.
- This treatment is to be continued only till you feel pain at that point. When the pain is removed, the disease is also removed with it and you are cured. Then this extra treatment is to be stopped. As this therapy is based on bio-electricity, the relief is many times faster than even by injections.
- Therefore, sometimes the pain goes away within 1/2 to 1 minute only. In case the symptoms of the disease initially aggravate during the treatment it is a clear sign that this treatment is working properly.
- Nature wants to remove the disease from the body and so when you take this treatment, sometimes the symptoms initially aggravate. For example, when you have a cold and a headache, you will find pain.
- When you take treatment by pressing them the congested water is thrown out of the body, so the nose may start running or you may start sneezing. But once the root cause is removed the cold will be cured very soon.
- In the case of a chronic disease, you will start getting some relief improvement within 8 to 10 days and with continued treatment, the illness will be completely cured. The motto is: If you feel pain, press it out.
Cure Position:
- Treatment can be taken in any position convenient to you i.e. while sitting, lying, standing, or even traveling. Therefore, no special time is needed for taking this treatment.
- This treatment can be taken by the patient himself or can be given by others. For example, children or invalids can be given this treatment by parents or others.
Cure Limitation:
Most of the diseases are cured with this natural treatment. However, if you do not find even a 15% improvement after taking the treatment for 12 to 15 days, it indicates that the damage or illness is severe and that you are in need of further assistance by way of change in diet, medical assistance, or even hospitalization.
Cure Time:
Though this treatment can be taken any time during the 24 hours of a day, it is advisable to avoid it within one hour after meals.
Cure Side effects:
An important feature of this treatment is that there are no side effects. The treatment is harmless and can be safely given even to a one-day-old child. As there are no side effects, you can take this treatment as a daily routine and make it a lifestyle.
- You will discover that by making it a regular habit to take this treatment
- All the organs will be recharged and all the endocrine glands will be controlled, thus leading to the proper functioning of the body and reducing the possibility of illness.
- You get a free daily medical check-up and anything wrong in your body is found out immediately.
- You can cure the disease at the earliest; thus you become your Own Doctor.
- You will be free not only from minor diseases like colds, headaches, coughs, etc. but also from dreaded diseases like Cancer, Heart-attack, Blood Pressure, Paralysis, Diabetes, etc. The net result will be that you will enjoy perfect Health.
Cure Anesthetic effect:
- If continued pressure on any point is applied for more than 3 minutes; it creates an anesthetic effect on the organ connected with it. If the points are on fingers, clothespins or rubber bands can be used as shown.
- In case the tips of fingers or toes become blue, this pressure should be removed. Such continued pressure on corresponding points is very useful during severe headaches, stomachaches, etc. For toothache, continuous pressure is to be applied on the tips of the fingers relating to that particular tooth.
Cure Dr. ‘M’ reports:
“I went to an exhibition. In one of the stalls, I found the proprietor sitting in a corner, pressing his mouth. On inquiry, I learned that he had a severe toothache on the last tooth of the right side.
- I told him that I was a Medical Practitioner and asked him to press the tip of the last finger continuously for five minutes. Afterward, I went away and came back after about an hour. I had to search for the fellow who was very busy with his customers.
- He saw me and came running to tell me that his toothache had gone completely and he felt that God had sent me there with a special purpose.”
Cure Precaution:
- It is observed that many people go on pressing the points for a much longer time or many times during the day in the hope of an early cure. You may note that this may damage the switches and due to overworking of the battery, may lead to weakness.
- Further, more toxins would come to the kidney and thereby cause it to overwork which sometimes might damage it. You may study the diagrams properly and follow the instructions. You need not worry even if the pressure is applied around the point and not exactly on it.
Cure Instruments:
A well-known Acupressurist of the U.S.A. with a practice of over 50 years, writes that the best instruments are the thumbs and the fingers. In the picture below, a few handy instruments like-hand massager, wooden clips, rubber bands, copper wire, aluminum combs, and a wooden roller with grooves, are shown.
Costly instruments like fancy wooden rollers, sandals, mats, etc., are not considered to be necessary. These instruments only activate the organs in general, but Diagnosis or Cure is not possible with their help. Moreover, they may be harmful.
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