Infectious Diseases
Question 1. What are Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells?
Warthin-Finkeldey cells
- Pathognomonic of measles
- Multinucleate giant cells, comprising eosinophilic intra-nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies
- Found in the lung and sputum
Note: Koplik spots: Ulcerated mucosal lesions in the oral cavity near the opening of the Stensen ducts, seen in measles
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Question 2. Write a note on tertiary syphilis.
Causative organism: Treponema pallidum
Three stages:
1. Primary syphilis
- Characterized by a single firm, non-tender, raised, red lesion (chancre)
- Sites: Penis, cervix, vaginal wall, or anus
- Chancre can heal with or without therapy
2. Secondary syphilis
- Seen in untreated primary syphilis patients
- Presents as painless, superficial lesions on palms or soles of the feet, oral cavity, vagina
- Lymphadenopathy and condyloma latu are associated findings
- Asymptomatic neurosyphilis can also be seen in a few patients
3. Tertiary syphilis
- Three manifestations: Cardiovascular syphilis, neurosyphilis, benign tertiary syphilis
- Cardiovascular syphilis: Presents as aneurysms and aortic regurgitation
- Neurosyphilis: Symptomatic or asymptomatic, asymptomatic neurosyphilis is diagnosed by CSF pleocytosis (increased cell count), elevated protein levels, decreased glucose levels
- Benign tertiary syphilis: Characterized by gumma formation in the liver (hepar located), bone, skin, and mucous membranes. Gummas are nodular lesions, due to the development of delayed hypersensitivity to the bacteria
- Congenital syphilis includes a triad of interstitial keratitis, Hutchinson teeth, and eighth nerve deafness
Question 3. Write a note on viral hemorrhagic fevers.
- It is a severe life-threatening multisystem syndrome, characterized by vascular dysregulation and damage, leading to shock
- Symptoms range from fever, headache, myalgia, rash, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia to severe life-threatening disease
- Causative agent: RNA viruses: Arenaviridae, Filoviridae, Bunyaviridae, and Flaviviridae
- Caused by direct infection and damage to endothelial cells
Question 4. Write a note on Rhinosporidiosis.
- Causative agent: Rhinosporidium seeberi
- Characterized by hyperplastic polypoid lesions of the nasal cavity
- Large globular cysts are present surrounded by a heavy inflammatory reaction
- Each of these cysts represents a thick-walled sporangium containing numerous spores
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