Ameloblast Life Cycle The life cycle of an Ameloblast can be divided into the following six stages based on the function: Morphogenic Organizing Formative Maturative Protective Desmolytic All or a few of the above-mentioned stages of the developing ameloblasts can be observed in a tooth germ because the differentiation of ameloblasts is most advanced in … [Read more...] about Ameloblast Life Cycle
Oral Histology
Salivary Gland Oral Histology Notes
Salivary Gland Salivary glands are exocrine glands situated in the orofacial region. Their chief function is the synthesis, storage and secretion of saliva. The salivary glands are Compound: As they have more than one tubule entering the main duct Tubuloacinar: The acini constitute the secretory units Merocrine: Only the secretions from the cell are released Read … [Read more...] about Salivary Gland Oral Histology Notes
Age Changes In The Oral Cavity And Teeth Oral Histology Notes
Age Changes In The Oral Cavity And Teeth Ageing is a progressive, generalized impairment of function resulting in loss of adaptive response to stress. It occurs due to of accumulation of changes in the body with time. It occurs at various levels: Molecular, cellular, physiological, morphological and chronological. The oro-dental structures undergo age related regressive … [Read more...] about Age Changes In The Oral Cavity And Teeth Oral Histology Notes
Oral Mucous Membrane Notes
Oral Mucous Membrane Notes Oral Mucous Membrane Mucous membrane can be defined as a thin moist sheet of tissue that covers or lines body cavities or canals that communicate with the exterior, such as the linings of the oral cavity, digestive tube, respiratory passages, genitourinary tract, etc. Read And Learn More: Oral Histology Notes It consists of a surface layer … [Read more...] about Oral Mucous Membrane Notes
Oral Histology Shedding Of Teeth Notes
Oral Histology Shedding Of Teeth Notes Shedding Of Teeth The human dentition usually has two different generations. The first being the primary dentition and the other being the permanent dentition. The first set of teeth that erupt in the oral cavity are called the primary or the deciduous dentition, whereas the second set of teeth that erupt following the primary dentition … [Read more...] about Oral Histology Shedding Of Teeth Notes